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Full Version: ASF RIVERNOTES - AUG 22, 2014 - and other salmon news
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ASF Rivernotes – An interesting August
ASF Rivernotes is finding interesting patterns of salmon returns unfolding. Also special reports from Ungava Bay and elsewhere.

ASF Research Blog Update – Time to check out the juvenile salmon
ASF researchers are electrofishing, and a Dalhousie student ends her summer work with ASF.

Ombudsman Says NB Water Classification Legislation Useless
As a result of a question posed by the Nashwaak River Assoc., a searing report has been produced showing that the NB Government has not followed through with water protection. You can also download the report.

Outer Bay of Fundy Documents Now Available
From ASF’s oBoF Species at Risk page you can now download DFO’s Recovery Potential Assessment document, and a summary of Socio-Economic Impacts. These rivers include the Saint John and those to the west, as far as the St. Croix. Aquaculture is mentioned as a major threat. This is now the public input period, so your views can be heard.

Spawning Bed Rehabilitation on the Rennies River in NL
An interesting project has reached completion on the Rennies River in NL. Read more.

NL Undertakes Independent Fracking Revew
Many remain concerned about the impact of fracking waste on water tables, and waterways eventually. NL is stepping back from fracking, to learn more.

Fish Kill in PEI
Another episode of fish kill, in the North River.

UK Salmon Organization Calls for New Limits on Salmon Exploitation
Salmon returns are greatly depressed this year in Scotland, and a call has been made to institute further conservation measures.