08-23-2014, 09:00 AM
Had to work this morning and then again this afternoon. Found I had a window in between the two I could go fishing for a couple hours. It was hot today and the breeze kept it bearable. Not a whole lot to report. It was slow and as I have already mentioned for me the dog days of August have set in. I tried top water in some grass flats off the main river and wasted a couple hours. Tried a spook, frog and swim but did not get one smell. Moved to some deeper grass edges and had two blow ups on a spook but neither hooked up. emoBang Decided I was wasting my time I had on the water so I went back to my edge, drop, and ledge program. Managed six bass. Only had four that would keep for about 12 and a half pounds. I did loose one other good one on a crank. Got about three turns of the handle and it just came off. Best one was on a crank that went 5 pounds and 2 ozes. Picture below. Not too bad considering the time of day and the heat. Needed that one that got off. emoRolleyes Hope you all have a great week and get to do some fishing. c-ya out there. emoToast Jmax