Cooperation needed on baiting issue
Saturday, December 27, 2003
By Howard Meyerson
The Grand Rapids Press
I couldn't help but read with interest how the Michigan Farm Bureau has called again for a total ban on baiting deer. It wasn't all that long ago that agricultural interests fought any controls on baiting. There were mega-bucks to be made selling sugar beets, carrots and corn to several hundred thousand hunters each year looking for an advantage.That, of course, was before bovine tuberculosis.
A Press story Wednesday discussed the history of the cattle testing program in Michigan and how TB spread starting in 1994 from deer to cattle. It spoke of farmers' hopes of regaining TB-Free status for Michigan and of the costs to the state so far -- about $25 million in lost hunting tourism and a $62 million expense to test deer and livestock. It spoke of the role of bait piles in the spread of the disease.
That the Farm Bureau moved to the other side of the debate speaks only of its good sense, both financial and common. That the Department of Natural Resources moved to limit hunters to two gallons of bait speaks of the same, though the agency's reticence to close the door says a lot about its lack of nerve when it comes to making hunters mad.
But what I find particularly confounding, in light of that compromise, was simply alluded to in a sentence near the end of the story that said, "... Baiting and feeding rules are widely ignored."
Hunters, though they know better and have so much to lose, not only ignore the two-gallon rules. They often violate them flagrantly.
"We saw one pile in Branch County that was five pickup loads," said Lt. Ray Berringer, the law enforcement supervisor for nine southwest Michigan counties. "It's that bad. People are not paying attention to the rules."
Berringer and other law enforcement officials say most illegal baiting takes place on private land and out of sight of most conservation officers and concerned hunters. Those who bait on public lands often stick to the rules.
"We haven't even scratched the surface," added Sgt. Kevin Hackworth, a DNR conservation officer out of Plainwell. "We flew over Muskegon and part of Newaygo County looking for road hunters during the season and came up with a bunch of big bait piles.
"In one 90-minute flight over east Montcalm County, we marked 18 large bait piles. We could see them that well from the air and we didn't even fly an entire township.
"At Greenville, we watched a guy load a pickup truck full of sugar beets that he bought from a local stand. At another baiting site we filled an entire pickup and still had 53 pumpkins left that we couldn't haul away."
Both officers say their crews are marking the locations of bait piles and visiting their owners. But both question why hunters aren't taking this proverbial bull by the horns. The results in the northeast at the height of the TB problem should have awakened them.
"If people want healthy deer, they need to cooperate," Hackworth said. "They aren't doing deer any favors when they dump a pile of bait out there. There is a misconception that we have this under control. We may biologically, but from the law side we haven't gotten good compliance."
That, of course, could change next year if hunters deem it so, if the NRC decides to ban baiting totally, and if excessive baiting is prosecuted.
Each and all will make a difference. They are all at the top of my holiday wildlife wish list and should be right up there for every deer hunter in the state.
Contact Howard Meyerson via e-mail at:
© 2003 Grand Rapids Press. Used with permission
[size 2] I do not hunt. But my friends do. All over the US. [/size]
[size 2] Baiting? I would think a real hunter, someone who can track a deer, or moose or bear or whatever would not need to bait anything.[/size]
[size 2] My one friend bow hunts and rifle hunts. I sent him a copy of that story and he laughed his butt off.[/size]
[size 2] His Dad trained him on scent control and tracking techniques and he has never been skunked on a trip.[/size]
[size 2] His also does not like the idea of those tree stands when people just sit there and wait for a deer to pass by and shoot it. Just doesn't seem to sporting.[/size]
[size 2] Longest trip he told me about was a couple days up in Northern Calif for bear I believe. He was after bear and saw everthing except that until last day.[/size]
[size 2] Then he nailed a nice big bear. Good meat too.[/size]
[size 2] Personally I am glad they are banning the baiting. Hunters should be able to find an animal by tracks, water sources and food sources. And maybe past experience in that area.[/size]
[size 2] Just my opinion[

95% of all hunting deer in michigan is done by the sit and wait method, (lottery) mostly because it is dangerous as all get up to wonder through the woods tracking.
truthfuly here in michigan, there are 10 deer hunters for every acre of all available hunting area. if you dont beleive me, just go out on opening day one hour late. you will not beleive the number of cars you will find lined up along road sides parking areas, and just sit there for half hour and watch front and back to see all those who are just being dropped off and the car moves on.
what lonehunter is talking about is the agrigate being not happy because of the deer not dieing off during the winters because hunters are feeding them through the end of december. spairing valuable winter foods for the hard seasons
the amount of feed a hunter in michigan may put down in the corce of a day is just enough to feed one or two deer for one feeding.
untill you can get corparate to move back in to the city and rebuilding the cities insted of just moving out in to the country, the deer will always be in need of hunters suplimenting their diets.
and to be honest, I would rather see my carrots be eaten by deer and rabbits and not get a deer than just walk out in the woods and do nothing at all.
I have stalked down more deer in the corce of our 2 week season than that of most hunters have seen deer in their life time of hunting.
now that I am disabled, the best I can hope for is a short walk from the car to a sitting spot and hope I hit the deer lottery my self.
so to laugh is realy an insult. yes I would rather walk the wilderness the way my red booded ansestors did, yes I would enjoy draging a deer 5 miles through the woods to get him back to camp. unfortunatly I have to face the facts. there is not a peice of woods that I can walk 5 miles into in the state of michigan.
hunting in michigan is comming to a close, but not by the act of peta tho they would like to make claim to it, it is dieing because of human over population.
michigan can not any longer feed it self eather through available natural resorces or by farm produce. peta may not be aware of this, but even thier soybean farms are now at risk.
if any one dose not beleive me about this, I chalange them to go to a supermarket any day of the week, any week of the year, and look at who's products are on the shelves. catle, sheep, poultry, dary, yes even fish. 90% of all available foods available on michigan shelves is imported from every where else.
bouya I tell ya It is a lucky day when I can find michigan taters and onions on the shelf.
any way, agrigate has disillusioned them selves as to the causes of spread of deseases. there is more to worie about the alpha male spreading the desease thourgh the rutting and mating rituals than what a couple gallons of corn will spread.
you go ahead and sit there and laugh, and when your children and grand children have lost the life style of natural ways, you can look back and wonder why did some one not do any thing to curve if not put in place measures to reduce human population levels with out wars.
baiting---GRRRRRRRRRRRRUF i agree with ya on that one. and then they wonder why the deer git sick? stinks! and as fer as bow huntin from the ground or shootin with a rifle, anyone knows that you always be havin a backin, where the bullet will be goin into no matter where your shootin. like a bank, or if your huntin high it should be headed into the ground, at that angle anyways. so i dont believe that it matters whethre your in a tree or not. i don,t like em when they build with nails into the trees and kill the trees. but it,s true, bein in the tree, does give the hunter the edge. but usin the tools of instinct, the wind, the natural scents of the woods, on ya, i don,t know why, bow hunters can,t hunt from the ground just as well as in the trees. seems though a good hunter could. but a good hunter will always know, search out his territory where he,s gonna be huntin, just like anythin else there gonna do in there, whether it,s ridin a pony, motorcycle so they don,t git hurt or the pony thre ridin with woodchuck holes or the area where that bullet will travel. or that arrow. so ground or above they should know were it,s goin. especially if your huntin in pastures where the cows are gonna be in spring. but i know alot of bow and arrow hunters that just leave and don,t retrieve and then an aimal or person pays fer it. seen it happen too many times. up here, then they cut their fences,, shoot goats, and think there deer, da! shoot to shoot. then they wonder why the farmer says no to huntin. his land he pays taxes on. or leaves tree stand they build on his maple trees he gits the sap out of. da! and leaves it there fer him to take down. that ticks me off. i do not believe it,s sportin to bait. no dignity at all. either. tio themselves or that animal.
well lonehunter, you and me ain,t talked in a while, and probably after i git done we won,t again fer awhile, but i been doin all the talkinanyways and you not answerein anyways, so i guess i,m just gonna say what i want to say. haha so as the guy said an "opinion" haha now, haha igot one fer ya, i think you were hard on him, cause he don,t understand no more,n i do, cause i,m up here nd your down there. and he,s probably somewhere else. your 'LAWS" OUR"LAWS" ARE TOTL DIFFERENT. but i think , that,s a BIG EXCUSE, that they don,t have time to git out and scout.THAT,S WHY THEY GOT TO BAIT???? HAHA bull--- that,s just a good excuse to bait. i think it,s a bunch of bull. if anyone is a good hunter, want to hunt! and wants to hunt an aarea, and is a RESPONSIBLE, SPORTMANSHIP, HUNTER, they ought to be knowin whats changed OR IS in there over the year, or if he,s never been in there to check it out in the first place before he sets his foot in there to shoot. IF THEY CAN,T THEY SHOULDN,T BE IN THEE IN THE FIRST PLACE. that,s how people git killed. THAT TO ME IS A MORON STATEMENT. IF soneome HAS a licence HE SHE, has the responsibility to themselves and everyone else in there to TAKE TIME AND LEARN WHERE HE,S GONNA HUNT, TAKE THE TIME! OR DON,T HUNT THESE STUPID LAME REMARKS AND EXCUSES FER THEM, THESE ARE WHAT MAKES ME NOT WANT FLAT--LANDERS UP HERE.! .IF THOSE ARE THAT DESPERATE FER FOOD, THEY,D BE IN THERE GITTIN WHAT EVER THEY COULD TO EAT, NOT JUST DEER. ONCE A YEAR. but all year thru. those are just excuses to me. A real LAME EXCUSE. IF THERES THE PROBLEM OF CONTROLLIN YOUR VAST DEER HEARD AND THEIRS THAT MANY, FROM THE WAY IT SOUNDS, WHY DO YA NEED TO BAIT?? and maybe he, RELEASEIT, THEN HE,S GOT A POINT, LEARN HOW TO HUNT, HAHA THE OLD FASHIONED WAY. HAHA THE SPORTIN WAY. MAYBE HE, AND I don,t have no MEETINS TO GO TO. and anyways here,IT,S THE WAY IT TIS. DEAL WITH IT. it,s against the LAW TO BAIT.HERE. AND I LIKE IT THAT WAY. I DON,T BELIEVE ITS SPORTIN. you oncw put my grandfathers bear huntin dogs down, well that,s what we do. AND IT,S NOT AGAINST THE LAW HERE, TO RUN BEAR, there,s extreme amount of areas those bear travel here, all mountains forests woods, no houses, only little towns, FEW HOUSES OUT BUT ON RAODS, LIKE MINE, with only five houses on it and i am at the foot of my mountin, i grew up on. the towns are small, and we have white river which is a city but 20 miles aways, then burlington that is over 100 miles away. and not that many towns in betwixt. up thru rte. 14 from white river. and i,m lower than that. and all mountains,. the futher ya git north up[ in the kingdom, less than fer as towns, all mountains, steep ridges, UP! we hunt bear like that and we can hunt them like coon, that,s why my grandfather raised, bear dogs, and that,s what that breed does. black and tan hounds,, walkers, yes and even 15 inch beagles, like jake was.but a good many of em together hunted, all of em, these are my traditions my gramp handed down to me. i wish i had the dogs gramp had. i,d a been doin it along time ago with him. but he died when i was 15. and WE CAN.cause it,s not against the law. it,s tradition. it,s life. i gave ya the reasons why i dont like tree stands, we,ve had too many episodes with ones that come up and do what when where they want any time they want. and also this big 2 gallon rule, what,s the difference between 2gal. and a truck load, the deer are still learnin the same indocecresisies. that people will feed me. and i don,t have to fend fer myself and I CAN rely on peole feedin me their sayin.. ya mights swell shoot your pet, cause that,s what them deer become. the little ones see it come in and git use to you, the food, not scared anymore, then one year ya shoot em. ya i,d be proud of that. IF THAT,S SPORTSMANSHIP, I GUESS I QUIT HUNTIN. and you guys talk about these ranchesk that people go on, and shoot trophy bucks and don,t want em in the boone and crockett?? what ,s the difference?? only thing, they pay fer their trip?? isn,t that hypicritical?? i,m gonna do it i mights swell do it good! hahah AND it,s their RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW WHERE THAT BULLET IS GONNA END UP IF YOUR SHOOTIN. LIKE A BANK, OR SHOOTIN INTO A REVINE. YA SHOULDN,T BE SHOOTIN =IF YA DON,T.know where it is goin. in the first place! my point! seems though that one of the first rules or IS THE FIRST RULE, THAT YOU CAN,T TAKE THAT BULLET BACK. and if i remember right ya don,t shoot if ya don,t know what your shootin at, like ALL THE TARGET??shouldn,t even be comin in there head to shoot. but in all my days i,ve never had to shoot maybe 50 yards at a deer, there not that fer away, i don,t use a scope cause i dont need all of em i,ve ever seen. why do ya have to shoot clearn cross a field? sounds like thats what your talkin about, and i don,t believe htat a hunter that needs food that much, can,t be a sportsman and still not git a deer if needed that bad. to me a sportsman is to have some dignity fer that deer and himself not to break laws. if they have to do that, then let em pay the price, your state ought to be doin somethin like havin longer huntin seasons, or havein mre hunts, or the game warden whe n they find a downed deer give it to a place where they can cut it up till they git more and feed peolpe with it, rather than lettin it go to waste or findin people to give it TO.MAYBE YA OUGHT TO BE TALKIN BOUT THIS PRBLEM AT YOUR MEETINGS, I THINK PEOPLE GOIN HUNGRY IN THIS US WHEN WE GOT HUNTIN AND FISHIN LICENCES IS OUTRAGEOUS,from what that other guy said. bout people havin to eat deer meat, all year long, but [crazy][crazy] i see more waste that the grocery stores throw out because theres a blemish on that tomato, or squash, they thow it out cause nobody will buy it. waste, when someone else has nothin.?? common. i fed my pigs better than most humans eat. with stuff the stoire threw away. your meetins ought to be doin somethin bout that.but as fer as these morans, haha, ,.i,d rather keep them out of the woods when they have no idea, where that bullet is goin, or are too desperate fer time to scout,haaha keeop em out of the woods, and let the game wardens or someone git them deer rather than shootin each other. thay sound like morons the way your talkin and makin it sound like the shoe fits, with excuses fer em.LIKE THIS. are you tellin me that it,s that much of flat-land down there hat there,s no mountains ridges, revines, TREES? BANKS TO SHOOT IN? COMMON? i,ve shot deer when they,ve clearn walked up on me and they were so close i could see there breathe, don,t tell me a good hunter can,t find one if theres that many deer without baitin? what are you complainin about at least you see em. i can hunt fer days on end here and not find em cause they know it,s huntin season. and i have to go by right time right place. that,s why i,m in the wood scoutin all year round, i olive there, yes so that helps. but if i paln to go somewhere else i start real early an i,m in there . if i can they can. and i can,t walk good anymore either. BUT I LOVE MY HUNTIN, AND IF I,M GONNA HUNT I,M GONNA BE A RESPONSIBLE, SPORTIN HUNTER, and fer me, sportsmanship and hunter, are the same word. BECAUSE I LOVE IT SO. I RESPECT IT AND MY LICENCE. SO WITH ALL THE PAIN I AM IN, AND i know what your talkin about dave, but i know your a sportman too, and you still even though your havin a hard time gittin in , your still lookin round where your at at your backin and polacement shot. so if we can they can. i,ll STILL GO TILL I DROP,but i,m a good hunter always have been. i.ll pick my spot. with A BACKING.. what,s the difference than baitin and havin dogs fer bear? the deer ya wait fer. the bear ya have to walk miles to shoot. and sometines attacks you. i,d rather have somethin hold it rather than gittin mauled. thank you. my husband got treed by one. that wante to git hold of him. and it weighed over 600 lbs. a black bear, we got em here on my mountain like that. the one that chased me down the mountain was like him. he was so old he was eatin AND MAULIN, the farmers calves so al and i went after him fer him. the old octogon 30-30 jammed and al couldn,t shoot it. so it decided to come after me. that was fun.. i wish i had gramps dogs then i,ll tell ya. if you were WITH me you wouldn,t of minded them there either lookin at him within toooo close a range. i,m lucky i made it to the barn when he was right on my a====.
my god dave, lonehunter, i think it,s time you guys move up here with me and jack.!!!!and louie! come on. you ain,t built fer that. bring the swan with ya and git up here. i,ll even look fer realestate fer ya. you need some huntin. fishin ain,t bad here neither. don,t have the crappies but have sunfish bluegills you,d like to catch. and my trout. i never figured with the way you guys was talkin i figured you had plenty, of room.we,d have a ball!! kids would love it too. there,s no sence of stayin down thru. [


]we,ve got a state park above my house ya can,t hunt in the state park where everyone has the picnic tables and such but the whole mountain ya got in back of it. i,d find some places fer ya dave where ya could go and git in easy. only one farm, and they won,t let em have chickens?? i do pray i don,t live to see that day here. i guess i can see why some downcountries want to git up here. but it ticks me off when they post it and we,ve been fish or huntin there since i was 10, rode my ponies, my motorcycle, taken my hounds huntin. that,s what stinks there. come on up we,ll have a ball