Looking for a little input from some of you experienced tiers (sp?).
Ive been experimenting with various hopper patterns, and haven't really found anything I like. What patterns do you tie/fish? Theres an overabundance of patterns available on the web, but that doesn't make the search any easier.
Id like it to be as simple, inexpensive, and buoyant as possible- but then again don't we all!
Morrish hopper daves hopper
+1 on the joes hopper!
Mine would be the "panty dropper hopper". Not because it's produced the best, but because of the name. But in all seriousness I agree with all those who have said Joes.
Hoppers are my second favorite fly after salmonflies. In my experience a realistic foam hopper won't be beat by any you tie. If you really want something to "tie" and not just cut or purchase a foam hopper I'd suggest going with Osteen's Hopper as a compromise.
This modified version of the Charlie Boy Hopper is the most durable and effective hopper I've ever fished. Its a very quick tie (body, wing, legs, 1, 2, 3.) Pretty realistic, floats great, and keeps going and going. See Charlies Fly Box for step by step tying instructions. I substitute the more visible, durable, and "natural looking" poly yarn for the wing. Wing probably isn't that important anyway, but the body is perfect, and doesn't move on the hook. You can also substitute your favorite different kind of legs too, and still use this body style.
I've recently used it successfully on some Oregon spring creeks, Flat Creek in Wyoming, and Silver Creek in Idaho. If those picky fish will eat it there, they'll eat it anywhere!
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