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Full Version: Cost of fly tying materials
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I'm thinking of getting into fly tying, but the cost of materials - Man!

Yesterday I was walking along a stream I'm thinking of fishing and surprised a muskrat on the bank. He looked at me for a few moments then slowly ambled past about two feet in front of me on his way to the water.

It wasn't til later that it occurred to me that I should have grabbed him up, took him home, and shaved the little bugger![Wink]
Muskrat makes great Mouse material.
There are a ton of good materials out there in the wild and they are free for the taking. It only takes a keen eye to spot them and then picture which fly or pattern that they will be most useful for.[cool]
You can get a lot of material for what a ½ dozen flies would cost you.
I noticed that JoAnns Fabric and Michaels hobby shop has some decent stuff to tie with also.

I get many of my saltwater supplies there.[cool]