09-12-2014, 09:00 AM
Today was one of those days that dreams are made of. I had to follow up with some folks this morning on a couple alarms but once done with that my day was clear. Looked like it was about to rain but thought I would go anyway and if it did I would head for a dock or bridge somewhere and just wait it out. I am sure glad I did. I think between the water dropping, the current being good, the high pressure systems passing through with all the rain, it fired up the shad and bass. emoDance I had a great day. I had 25 keeper bass today. With the current like it was it seemed they were hitting about anything you could get down to them. I caught bass on swims, cranks, big worms, jigs and big spinner baits. emoTongue It was one of those days we all wait for and hope we have a couple times a year. I thought it was kind of funny considering there were very few people out. I had my pick of every place I went. Not one time was there even another bass fisherman in sight. Most of my bass today came from around the 20 foot depth. Mostly working along drops and ledges. A few were deeper. I did try shallow but I am just not finding the numbers in the grass yet.<br /><br />I did not have any huge bass today. I did have two in the five lb range, 4 more between 4 and 5 lbs, 7 more between 3 and 4 lbs and 12 two pounders. You could tell they were feeding, I had bass poop all over me and the boat. A couple even upchucked shad while getting the bait out. My best five today would have been a little over 23 lbs. emoThumbsup Days like today don&#39;t come that often. I do not think I have had those kind of numbers since the spawn this past spring. <br /><br />If they are pulling water this weekend like they were today and the weather is about the same get ready for another banner weigh in at the CBA. I think these five were my best ones but I am really not sure. emoBig