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Hey, for all of you who are wondering what the conditions are at Bear Lake, the wind finally stopped blowing but the snow is still coming down. We got another 3" so far. I checked the ramp this morning, and as of 8:00am it looks like the post that Crestliner made the other day asking for help to call the State Park to complain about the ramp conditions is paying least a little bit! The Parks still haven't found anyone to plow the ramp, but they took a snowblower to the ramp, but blew out only ONE lane. The ramp is still very icy and I would bet you need chains to get back up if you launched a boat. The marina is partly frozen, but I'm not sure how thick the ice is. If you do plan on coming up to try it, then I would bring a spud bar or axe just in case you need to chop a path out of the marina. It doesn't look too thick, but who knows. Their deicers are running, but just can't seem to keep up. I even took my snowmobile down on the beach yesterday to see if you could drive a truck down there to "beach launch". No dice, snow is too deep for trucks. Guess we'll see what the next day or two does. I hate these "in between" conditions, I wish it would either freeze solid or thaw out.
Glad to hear that our calls did at least a little good. I went by the 4 X 4 store during lunch today and purchased a pair of chains. So unless the snow is too deep I should be able to get on the water with my Suburban in four wheel drive and chained up (also assuming that the ice isn't a problem in the marina).
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I've said all along that the marina will freeze up well before the lake, even with all bubblers functioning. With only 4-5 ft of water in the marina, there just isn't enough "water mass" or circulation to keep it from freezing. The channel could go first just inside the marina. When these storms finally end and the cold spell following it hits, the marina is history. [/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I don't blame the contractors for not plowing the ramp. What little they get paid isn't worth the chance of dunking their equipment. You guys are killing me. I've been catching up and reading the updates on BL. For $70 you all think you should be taken care of at any cost. I like having the ramp open and fish the lake as much as anyone (when the boat is running![Sad]) [/size][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3] but what is reasonable? What we need is a cat...[/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I think everyone who uses the ramp should toss a bag of salt on the ice and snow to help keep one lane open. This will allow tires to at least hit the concrete a lot easier. It also makes it easier to use a plow and snow blower and not fight the packed down, frozen snow and ice that accumulates.[/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Kent, chains will work but you'll only do it a couple times before it gets old. Chaining up all four is a royal pain. Been there, done that. You can have it.[/size][/font]
I won't be chaining up all four because I only purchased two chains. And I hope that I don't ever have to get them out of the box.
I agree with BLM, despite all my frustrated posts! I just needed to vent! The State Parks are on a limited budget and contractor's never get paid enough for what they do! I would imagine that there is some insurance liability involved for them if they tried to plow the ramp. The water levels everywhere are at record lows and this massive hit with snow is something that I will just have to deal with!! I do not like the fact that I just spent a bunch of money on another boat and cannot use it but there are people that have it much worse! I remember just 8 months ago I was 100% fishing off the shore and wished I had a boat! I should be thankful for what I have and try to make it better by doing my part to be more understanding and tolerant to my environment. I guess this should be my New Years Resolution!!!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Thanks much for the report BLFG. You answered the very questions I have been wondering about for the last week. Glad to hear that the phone calls did some good. I think it would be well if we all called them to thank them for their efforts in snow blowing a path for us fishermen. That's the least we could do.[/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]A few of us from my work (three boats) are planning a trip up to Bear Lake next week. We were thinking that one of us would chain up and do the launching and docking for all three boats. Or the one chained up would towe-rope the others up and out one at a time. That way, not everyone would have to chain up ... just one truck. [/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]I sure do want to get back out there. I'm curious to see just what leingths I will go to to feel the pull of a 14 lb laker.[/size][/font]
What beach did you check out? Near or by the marina? I am guessing Ideal Beach is in the same situation.
I checked off 150 South Street in Garden City, Ideal Beach just north of the condos, and off the old Spinaker marina south of Gus's Point. All have deep, wind packed and drifted snow.
With conditions like those, it's going to be hard to get our cisco this year unless it freezes. I guess there is always wading in at cisco beach. Do you know Brain, he's a Bear lake Biologist WH2