Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Upper Hiwassie, Mixed, 9/19/14, Tenncrappie
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Chris James (Tenncrappie) has been promising me a trip to the upper Hiwassie to fish and today, he made it happen. We launched from boat ramp in Charleston and headed up river. Beautiful place. We didn't see another boat until about the time that we decided to run back down river. We saw about 4 boats total all morning. <br /><br />All we caught were small fish and brush, but I almost caught a TARP Rock Bass. It was 9.5" long. Between us, we caught 1 white bass, 1 crappie (9&quotWink, 3 bluegills, 1 spotted bass, and had 3 times that many bites, probably from small bluegills. It nearly drove me crazy trying to catch these fish. But it was a new experience for me and great fellowship from a good friend. Thanks for taking me fishing today, Chris. When you are ready, I'll take you on a crappie fishing trip down my way. emoBigSmile emoGeezer