Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Chick, just for fun, Bass, 9/23/14, alone
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Thought it was just too nice to pass up going fishing today. Weather could not have been any better. It is still really slow but I was able to get seven in the boat today with a couple pretty nice ones. My best three were 5/2, 4/2, and 4/0. I never was able to figure out any kind of pattern. The bass seem really scattered and all over the place. My shallowest bass today was about three foot and my deepest was about 23 foot. emoScratch I was using a frog and a punch bait shallow and a crank and big worm deep. Neither worked better then the other. The water temp when I got there was down to 75 but when I left it was back up to 80. Not a bad outing, I am ready for the frog bite to really turn on. Lost one other on a frog and also another on a punch bait. Here are a couple of the better ones. emoSmile