Since I killed my Muzzleloader deer on Wednesday and as I have the rest of the week off work I decided to hit Strawberry. Did very well in the morning and caught 18 or so fish including a couple 20 in bows that were a lot of fun. The afternoon was slower and I only caught 4. I wonder if this cold front that's coming in is the reason. Beautiful day on the water.
Those are some healthy looking bows.
How early were you up there? I've found that the word "morning" means 5 a.m. to some and 11 a.m. to others. [

You doing most of your catching sub-surface or on top? This seems to be one of the only times of year you can do OK fishing big dries at the berry.
I got up there at about 7:00AM as the sun was just coming up. I did the best with a slow sinking intermediate line. I did see a lot of fish rising and would cast my streamer to the rise and caught a number of fish this way. I am taking a rod rigged with a dry fly this weekend when I go up and try for some of these risers on a dry. Fun times!
How about a pic of your buck?
I am almost embraced to post it as he is just a little two point. I have had so much fun fishing that I could not just get into hunting this year. This little buck came out right at first light on opening morning and I debated for a minute on if I should shoot him. I thought to myself if I get my deer today I can be fishing at Strawberry tomorrow. Bam!! and I was done. He has sure been good eating though and one of the better tasting deer I have killed.
Anymore I am not near the avid hunter I once was and fishing is taking over.
Its all good.
I am getting the same way, but with goose hunting.
I went to my shop today to get decoys and layouts ready for tomorrow morning and have decided to sell my custom decoys in a couple of days.
About 51% of me would rather have a line in the water tomorrow instead of laying in the water.
Nice buck.
Early in the morning try slapping a big mouse pattern down off that floating line.
Good idea Joni, just might have to try that.