She has expressed interest in doing small engine repair as a job she can do when her health allows it. Ya gotta admire her (as my Grandpa called it) gumption. I told her some time ago that I'd kinda mentor her. Now that some kind soul has given her some tools, it's time for mentoring to start. If anyone has a small engine, two or four stroke, like an old lawn mower or string trimmer they would give her or me I'll help her get started. Just shoot me a PM and I'll come get it.
If whatever is given to me to work on as a trial/learning thing, and it actually ends up working again, I'm willing to give it back to the person and do it free of charge.
After I get good/fast enough at this stuff on my own, then I'll be wanting money compensation. But for now, getting practice is the payment

Surf KSL's free advertisements. There are constantly ads for free lawnmowers, trimmers, blowers and other engine powered things that do not work.
I have a Craftsman snow-blower that won't start. If you want to give it a try, that would be fine. If you get it running there is a $50 dollar bill in it for you, plus I'll pay for parts.
I've got a couple of mowers and a snow blower that could use some help. [

Well...and here I thought I wasn't going to get a decent start any time soon! LOL
As excited as I am, there's still lots of stuff I need to sort out.
For one thing, how am I going to get everything? I'm doubting people will want to bring things to me, as I have seen lately some mobile repairs that say they pick up. My problem is that I have a dinky little sedan that currently doesn't have a trailer hitch, and even if I got one, the owner manual says not to tow more than 1,000 lbs. Even a small utility trailer could weigh up to 500, and that wouldn't leave much left for the equipment loaded onto it.
I guess little things like chainsaws, weed whackers and such I could put in the trunk...maybe a smaller lawn mower.
Anybody know where I can get a trailer hitch (and installed) and a little utility trailer for free/cheap?

And I'm thinking of those flatbeds with a 'cage' around it... not necessarily a totally enclosed one (though that might be nice for winter time)
You know if you are charging less to work on motors, most people will be glad to drop them off and pick them up, saving the time and effort of getting a trailer and hitch. Once you have raised some money from working on a few dozen motors you should be able to have a hitch installed and maybe buy a small trailer. Just a thought.
Harbor freight carries a 3' x 4' trailer for decent prices. But as WH2 suggested use the funds from your repairs to buy it. Oh they need to be put together after you buy it as well. It is an easy build and I can help with that. I built a larger one in February when it was freezing outside.
Nifty, thanks!
I was puttering around on KSL earlier, and there's lots of trailer parts for dirt cheap... which would be okay if I wanted to make my own. But I'd rather get one already done and properly made.
I like the idea of having stuff dropped off and picked up even better, though! LOL
With this little venture going, I decided to budget my Christmas money (usually about $200) to get more stuff (besides the tool box

). I was thinking I wouldn't be able to get much, figuring decent equipment was going to cost hundreds of dollars. Maybe not!
Been watching YouTube, and most everything seems pretty inexpensive. Both spark plug testers and compression gauges are only about $20ish. Awesome! I figure I should also get an electrical current reader too, and a wire brush to clean up the contacts (my dad working on the camper battery gave me this idea). At least I'm assuming I would need those, since some of the newer mowers and snow blowers have electric starts instead of pull starts?
I have Thursday free, maybe I'll go do some "window shopping" at Harbor Freight. Most women do shoes and purses, I do hardware tools LOL
I've got two law mowers which could use some help. One I think is a carb issue, no idea what the issue is with the other one. I'd love to have one or both running and will pay you if you get me an estimate.
If you don't need them working until next Spring, I'd be happy to look at them... as soon as I learn how to diagnose and fix 'em
If you need them running this month, then I'm no help! (my dad is doing one last mow of our yard.. plus, mowing leaves instead of raking is a great way to mulch/fertilize your lawn...and sort of easier/quicker too!)