1992 ProCraft Fish & Ski
18' long
Mercury 150 Black Max outboard motor
Built in Electric trolling motor mounted in front deck.
Back seats become fishing seats on front and rear deck
Two rear deck live wells (not sure what I will do with these)
Lowrance Sonar/GPS + WAAS. GPS function is not wired yet. (I will accept all help in getting it wired).
This boat is in unbelievably great shape.
WOW Kent, you won't know how to act with a boat and motor like that, very impressive. Mind sharing how much you paid?
That is a nice ride Kent. Bekki wants to make a trade.[:p]
Very nice! Cabelas sells "100 mph gear" designed for those chilly early morning quick rides out to the fishing hole...[cool]
If I had that setup and you had a feather in your britches we'd both be tickled!
If the author didn't mention the price in his post it is against the rules to ask! [shocked] LoL (just kidding)
That's a great looking boat! I love the way a fiberglass boat rides. That one should be able to troll fast enough for trolling Willard[

] Congrats
I think there wiil be a lot of fish that get to see your boat too!
Beautiful boat kent.
Nice looking boat and really looks like it was well taken care of. I am looking and wishing for a boat like that. Congratulations!
[quote wiperhunter2]
Mind sharing how much you paid?
PM sent.
I wish you would have asked me first, I was really hoping for all silver instead of blue and sliver. I guess it will do.
Excellent looking ride Kent. Although it will be a fish catching machine, I am sure the family will enjoy the other things you will be able to do with this boat.
[quote N.E.T.O.]
Very nice! Cabelas sells "100 mph gear" designed for those chilly early morning quick rides out to the fishing hole...[cool]
I suggest you place your order right away. I think the gear I already have will work just fine.
I know a guy who wraps rods in those colors.
Hope the boat treats you well and that you have many more enchanting tales of adventure for us.
That's quite a change for you isn't it? A boat with a transom, I mean. LOL! Seriously, I hope it treats you well, good sir.
As you moderate it, need I point out that there's a bow trolling motor listed in the Classifieds?
[quote RockyRaab]
As you moderate it, need I point out that there's a bow trolling motor listed in the Classifieds?
The boat came with one that is already built in and ready to go. I have my own that I am going to replace that one with, so that I have my wireless controls, virtual anchor and other goodies. I think two of them is enough.
Hi Kent...very nice. I am happy for you.
Any plans for another trip to CJ this year?
I'd love to make another run up there this year, but have nothing definite.
Ahh. That one photo looks like there's a just a place for one to be mounted. My mistake.
Carry on.
Using the current electric trolling motor, one just has to open one hatch, pull on a rope to lift the motor and the holder all at once, snap in place and go. Really nice having a place for the electric trolling motor that is out of the way and readily available. Won't be quite as smooth when I put my Minn Kota on there, but almost.
Looks like a mid-life crisis machine for fishermen.[

Very Nice boat, Kent.
[quote Troll]
Looks like a mid-life...
Thanks, that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in awhile.[
