I'm thinking about heading up to grandaddy basin saturday for one last pack trip in the uintas. Anoyone know the current weather conditions up in that area?
Weather up there this weekend is supposed to be awesome. When I left the highline last Sunday it was snowing hard. I can't imagine it stayed on the ground though.
[quote Stickhorse]Weather up there this weekend is supposed to be awesome. When I left the highline last Sunday it was snowing hard. I can't imagine it stayed on the ground though.[/quote]
Did you do the whole thing? Where did you start and finish?
All I can add to the OP's question is I was at 10,000 feet 3 weeks ago and around 4am I was SHIVERING cold for an hour until the temps went on the upswing.!
Try contacting the forest ranger station in duchesne for current conditions.
I think you would be fine, and admire your dedication because it may be a nice last chance. You won't have crowds, that's for sure. If you would like some info on nice brook trout in the Basin, give me a P.M.
COLD clear nights . . . cold in the valleys this time of year.