10-06-2014, 09:00 AM
Two days in a row for my best student and I to fish together. We put in at Skull Island and ran upriver far enough to see the Hway 60 bridge. We just needed a good ride. The fishing sucked up there. Only one bluegill. Then we ran back down river to the dock where we caught them yesterday and Candi proceeded to give the old emoTeacher a lesson. She caught 16 consecutive crappie on 16 casts, while the old Drumking was catching 4. I did lose 3 others though to be honest. Still got my butt kicked. I was hoping that she would catch them all. I'm trying to talk her into going to work at Erlanger during the week and take the weekends off so she can be my partner in the crappie tournaments. We would be odds on favorites then. emoBig
We ended our afternoon with 23 crappie for Candi, and 8 for DK. Yes, she is about 3:1 better than I am at catching these fish. To beat it all, she was blind as a bat. Her contacts were bothering her so badly that she took them out and threw them in the lake. Then proceeded to out fish me blind. I must be a great emoTeacher .<br /><br />Read yesterday&#39;s report to get all the details because it was a carbon copy of what we did yesterday and I&#39;m tired and don&#39;t want to type anymore.<br /><br />Thanks for going with me, Candi. Week after next will be here soon. I could use the help. emoBig