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Full Version: Scofield Update From Shore 10-9-2014
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Just got back from Scofield. The lake is very low, probably the lowest I can remember. There were 2 boats on the lake and no other fishermen on the shore as far as I could see. It was nice to have the lake pretty much to myself. I got to the lake late, about 11:00 am and fished from the southeast shoreline. With every cast from 11 - 1, I had a Cutthroat on or a strong bite. I also caught a 12 inch rainbow. Most of the cutthroats were between 15 and 22 inches. I caught 22 cutthroats over the 4.5 hours I was there. I released all of them except one 12 inch fish that had swallowed the hook badly and was bleeding profusely. I used Yellow Corn Powerbait and night crawlers. In the morning the cutthroats were biting on the Corn Powerbailt better then the night crawlers. In the afternoon from 3- 3:30 they were hitting the worms and ignoring the Powerbait. From about 1 -3 the trout turned off and the bite was on for the Chubs. I caught at least 10 chubs and these chubs were fat and healthy looking. In fact, the chubs appeared healthier then the trout. Unfortunately, I did not catch any tiger trout. The Chubs were huge and I can't imagine that the tiger trout and even the cutthroat can swallow them. I kept the chubs and I am going to try a recipe to smoke a few of them. I am also trying to find some different recipes for cooking the chub in a more traditional manner, (fried, baked, roasted etc.). I will share the recipes if they turn out good. In closing, I am looking forward to the day that the big bruiser rainbows that Scofield is famous for are once again abundant in the lake.
Nice report with great info. I wonder how fly fishing would be there? I have not fished that lake for many years. It sounds like the chubs are winning the game to take over the lake again. I thought the tigers and cutts would keep them from taking over.
I should try to get down there this fall.
Nice report...Of course, Great catch...
Thanks for the report. Looks like you got some bait for the ice season[Smile]
Hate to be a naysayer, but I wouldn't hold my breath for the rainbows at either Scofield or Strawberry. According to the fish stocking reports, not one rainbow was put into Scofield this year and a whopping 485 went into Strawberry. Quite a ways to drive for catch and release fishing. I caught one of those big chubs at Strawberry a few years ago and that nasty thing made my whole boat stink, no way in heck would I ever eat one, good luck with that. Stocking report:

Please correct me if I'm reading this wrong.
Strawberry has been stocked with rainbows enough over the past several years that there are many to catch.

Scofield is a different deal. My fishing parties have reeled in close to 1000 fish at Scofield with not a single rainbow in the bunch. And there won't be rainbows there for a while given the management plan.

I did catch my first slot buster Cutt up there this week. 25" with a build very much like the fish in my Avatar.
I always have a fly pole in the mix early in the morning at Scofield. On the buggers I get about half cutts and half chubs this time of year.

I have heard of fly fishermen tipping bigger streamers with bits of chub meat with great success. Given my experience, I can see how that would be very effective.
It was desided a couple years ago to only stock predatory fish (cutthroats and tigers) in scofeild to try and deal with the chub problem. Rainbows were stunting and not doing well as they compete more with the chubs. You most likely won't see rainbows stocked again until the chub population gets under control. There is some results happening though, as noted more chubs are of the large and older class, with less young and small chubs (similar to what happened at starvation) In the mean time enjoy going after the large tigers in there.