Can someone answer a question for me, what do I need to float the Green on my toon? Been years since I floated on a toon.
Life jacket I know, do you still need a spare oar or fin? Thanks
Just me, but I would take a spare of both anyway. As soon as Kevins knee is better we will be floating it. I will take a pair of spare oars, but we will be in a boat so to speak.
Make sure the life vest is comfortable as you have to wear it.
BLM requirements for the Green:
Personal flotation devices (PFD) must be worn properly at all times while floating the river. Inflatable PFDs are not allowed.
• A spare oar or paddle compatible to the craft being used.
• A bailing device.
• Watercraft 16 feet or larger require a throw rope.
• Canoes must have floatation devices equivalent to one-third inside volume.
• Motorized craft are not allowed on the river.
• Flotation tubes are NOT recommended on any section of the river.
• Camping requires self-contained toilet.
I think most has been covered but I will add. This picture is of a Oar tether. The ring like shown on the picture is on the oar. The other side is half hitched around the oar tower. I have started to use these I made my self.
Another thing I would recommend is Oar Rights. They are worth having and can keep you from flat blading when trying to escape a rock. An extra oar lock would not hurt either.
Good point Ron. we got the tethers already, but no oar rights for our Carbon oars as the are scooped. You have to turn them over to row opposite direction, but boy the move you.
I don't see a need for an extra flipper/fin, but oar yes. And spare oar should be the same as the originals.
Thanks folks…grabbed a cheapie basically for ice off at the Berry and a few other stillwaters, maybe a trip or two on the Green, doubt i'll be putting any bells or whistles on it but thanks for the advice.
Koch floated the green several times with his pontoon.
i know im super late to this, but read my blog, i floated it like once or 9 times.... bring a spare oar, and if possible at least one spare fine. I needed the oar once... also your life jacket can NOT be the inflatable type, it has to be a closed cell regular PFD type.... its a blast, especially B section! nothing freaky on A and lots of places to stop and fish, my favorite being the rock wall towards dripping springs
Bear with me, but what is "The Green?"
The Green River below Flaming Gorge dam, and into Browns Canyon and Canyone of the Lodore
Utah - gotcha.