Well finally got a fair cat today, 29" it sure would have helped me on the catfish contest. Cutler is down about 2.5' but the river was still deep enough to have this critter hiding in a deep spot. Fun fish, but I'm glad the cold water slowed it down cuzz I had just verily hooked it so it could have gotten away easy. Well not a 30" fish but close. Later J
Forgot to put this picture in the post, see below. J
Nice Jeff, isn't one that big around 9 or 10 lbs? What did you catch it on? Were you shore fishing or in your toon?
Awesome cat Jeff! Looks like you couldn't wait to eat it and took a bite [

So is it drawn down to just the river channel yet? I was thinking of going to a few spots that I lost some expensive bass lures and seeing if I could scrounge them back up.
Hey Curt, this one was a male I think. Long and skinny, it only weighed 7.5lbs by my scale. I got it on a big carp minnow, ate it all in one bite. I was in my pontoon. I was able to launch from my dads into the river so the shallow sloughs didn't bother me, but the slimy clay banks were really tough to climb out of. It is tough fishing now days. Later J
Hey Mike, that cat had what looked like an arrow or spear hole through its side and it was still bleeding. Hope it will heal because I let it go to grow bigger for next year so we can thump on the South's dream team next year. The rivers not quite down to just the channel yet but its getting closer. Couple more days. Don't know if your lures will survive its crazy how fast they rust away. At least the hooks do. Good luck if you try it. The current is pretty fast so I had to really row fast to gain much ground against it. Motors can run but be careful of shallow spots. Later J
Thanks for the report. I'm gonna check it out this afternoon.
Nice one Jeff. So, guess you didn't go to Hyrum. Neither did I. But that's ok.
At least you know where he is, and how to catch him. Assuming that lesion heals up. I've seen some nasty marks on cats. But they are tough fish.
Appreciate the reports on the draw down. I'll have to come out and have a look. Been curious what it looks like below the dam. Probably high water, and raging rapids!
Hey John we did make the Hyrum trip and tried radioing you but I guessed you must have gotten a better offer. You picked a good day to miss, I didn't land a fish all day. Friday was a little better when I caught the cat and a small LMB, but that was all I got that day so it was a skinny weekend for me. We even flew the BFT flag on the boat thinking you could spot us easier. Starting to think the flag is bad luck, may not fly that again. Anyway appreciate the well wish and catch ya next time. Later J