Went up to the Gorge yesterday and tried for some lake trout. Got to Manila and checked into our room at the Hideout, great place to stay by the way and the owners are very nice. Launched the boat and headed over to the rock piles and when I got there it looked like a small city with people jerking there poles as hard as they could, im surprised they didn't fall out of the boat as hard as they were yanking. Saw one guy foul hook a 15 or 20 pound laker and took a bunch of pictures of it for about five minutes and then threw it like a football out of the boat back in the water. Stayed for about ten minutes watching them and then went over to the pipeline and started trolling, caught a few rainbows and some pups. Fishing was kind of slow but the weather was perfect. I don't get why people crowd each other when that lake is so big! Ok I'm done, just my two cents. We were trolling rapalas and koke gear.
No CO's on the water?....too bad.
Should of been.
Thats just terrible! So much for respecting the resource.
What a shame ... what a shame.
Same old thing every year! gotta love it when ya catch a 20-30 lber in the summer and its got a big snag mark on it. but they ain't doin nothing wrong! that's just there technique for jigging![crazy]
[quote LakeDrifter]Same old thing every year! gotta love it when ya catch a 20-30 lber in the summer and its got a big snag mark on it. but they ain't doin nothing wrong! that's just there technique for jigging![crazy][/quote]
You are spot on, it is a form of jigging, no doubt and

ly I will admit I have snagged fish jigging, it is inherently going to happen! I don't condone purposefully trying to snag fish but I would be the first to admit I have snagged many, many fish, not only jigging but fly fishing as well.
Throwing fish out the back of the boat is pathetically unsportsmanlike though and you should be turning them in for BS like that much less if they were purposefully snagging fish.
We have all foul hooked fish...these guys snag them on purpose!!
Sorry but!!! My 1st post was totally sarcastic ( thus the [crazy] symbol) Yeah I to have snagged fish jigging but not on purpose
] If this is a legitament technique for lakers then how come its only used on the rockpile for the spawn??
Cause that's when it works.
Not condoning it, just answering your question.
[quote remo_5_0]No CO's on the water?....too bad.[/quote][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
Never ever has been, never will be.[laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
[quote Tarponjim][quote remo_5_0]No CO's on the water?....too bad.[/quote][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
Never ever has been, never will be.[laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][/quote]
Has anybody ever brought it up to DWR and what do they have to say about it? Why don't they just close off Linwood Oct 15-Nov 15 (instead of only at night)? I could only assume a DWR (or any CO) presence for that matter sitting on the banks and spot scoping would help curb the unlawful activity. Even warning signs at the launch's during the spawn, (kinda like they do out at Willard at the inlet during the Walleye spawn) would help.
[quote LakeDrifter]Sorry but!!! My 1st post was totally sarcastic ( thus the [crazy] symbol) Yeah I to have snagged fish jigging but not on purpose
] If this is a legitament technique for lakers then how come its only used on the rockpile for the spawn??[/quote]
Its all good LakeDrifter, I understand the sarcasm, my only point (which I didn't mean to direct at you) is that there are so many jigging techniques. I've jigged with a slight 2" twitch, I've jigged with a 6" slow lift, I've jigged with a 12" moderate lift, and I've jigged with a 18"-24" jolting yank.
I can honestly say that when I've aggressively jigged (quick 18"-24" yank and slow fall) I've caught more fish on Flaming Gorge than when I twitched any 2" - 12" jigging motion.
My bad if my 18"-24" yank is considered snagging, I can honestly say I'm not trying to snag anything, rather I am trying to attract fish and waiting for the "knock" on the fall. And yes, I do hook fish quite a bit when I'm jigging (yanking), and rarely snag anything.
And no, I don't fish those rock piles, I fish up by Buckboard, Holmes and Anvil. Headed up Thursday again, hopefully nobody calls me a snagging guy!

I can only hope that the jigging technique that they like is the 2"-6" twitch.

Yahtahay you wont get called a snagger for what your doin! the technique I've seen on the rock pile is 24-48 inch rips! and a treble hook! and this activity has been brought up to the DWR for years!! I personally have never been checked for my license on the utah side of the lake, but I have been checked on the wyoming side multiple times, even on the ice! good luck fishin!!
[quote LakeDrifter]Yahtahay you wont get called a snagger for what your doin! the technique I've seen on the rock pile is 24-48 inch rips! and a treble hook! and this activity has been brought up to the DWR for years!! I personally have never been checked for my license on the utah side of the lake, but I have been checked on the wyoming side multiple times, even on the ice! good luck fishin!!
LOL!!! Now that is pathetic....treble hook, are you serious? You have got to be kidding me!
Sounds like you still had a good day. I know that as I have started teaching my kids how to fish for trout the catch and release part needs more attention. They are to used to bass and blue gills where the catch and release are handled differently. I need to get to get to the Gorge more..
We did have a good day, all fish were caught in the mouth. LOL!
Forget the DWR. Call every major news network in the Salt Lake area and tell them what is going on!!! Invite them out to do a story on it! Let them contact the DWR for a response and see what happens!!! Email every newspaper in the area and invite them to write about what has been happening for years, the blind eye that is being turned, and again, they'll contact DWR for a response! Get organized, get a group together to write the WY Game and Fish and demand something be done- these fish belong to WY as well! Rattle the cage, make the problem visible to state officials and the outdoor community, and the DWR will at the very least be forced to answer some questions, if not forced to take action!!!
Someone get a little video footage of the snaggers in action, get it to the news organizations and let them run with it.
Something does need done about because it seems to get worse every year I think. But if we advertise too much with the wrong sources we will have everybody up there thinking they can '' jig '' for lake trout.
Thanks for the report Sharksugar101. I was contacted by another concerned angler last Friday regarding "snagging" in Linwood Bay. Law enforcement from both UDWR and the USFS are aware of the situation. It's definitely nothing new, although the last couple of years have been relatively quiet in terms of complaints, concerns, arguments, etc stemming from Linwood Bay.
As you're probably aware, it's difficult to manage unethical behavior. It's also unfortunate. It will inevitably mean "punishing the masses, for the mistakes of the few". There has been discussion on a regulation change that will deal with these issues in Linwood Bay. Options that have been suggested and are being considered include a gear restriction (no trebles, small gap size, etc), foul hooked fish restrictions (illegal to remove foul hooked fish from the water), and simply changing to a 24-hour closure from October 15th through the second Saturday in December.
The latter change would be the quicker/easier option to implement, but will obviously impact more anglers. Like yourself, not everyone targeting lake trout in Linwood Bay is doing it unethically and there's also anglers that are targeting other species. Regardless of the option selected, I'm certain a change will be implemented in the near future.
If you (or anyone else on this thread) would like to discuss this issue or your observations further, feel free to contact me via email [url "mailto:ryanmosley@utah.gov"]ryanmosley@utah.gov[/url] or cell (435)621-2546.
Thanks, Ryan Mosley
UDWR Flaming Gorge Fisheries Biologist
Woot! Woot! THEY are listening! Thanks for you all you do Ryno and the rest of the UDWR. Hopefully these unethical anglers get whats coming to them and get citations. Treble hooks should straight up be limited to cheese anglers on the banks, certainly not used for jigging.