I am thinking about heading up to Riggins to scratch my Steelheading itch and to just get out of town and relax a little bit. Just was curious as to how effective guys are drift fishing the main from the bank up there? Seems like when I have been through, it has always been during high water when that river is looking pretty intimidating! I'm used to fishing the upper river around challis in smaller water, with my drift boat, but won't have access to the boat this week. Also, I guess if anyone has any general reports, that would be nice, though whether or not the fishing is good probably won't sway my decision either way. Thanks guys!
You might think about continuing north and fish the Clearwater between Lewiston and orofino there is plenty of places with good bank access there. I prefer jig and bobber myself. Those big B run stealhead should be showing up in good numbers if you send me a private message I'll give you the location of one of my favorite spots. Good luck.
Thanks for your reply, that has been a thought of mine as well, to fish towards orofino. I've never been in that area, so it would be a cool experience. If I decide to head that way I will PM you. Thanks for the help.
Drift fishing both above and below Riggins is good this time of year. I've bank fished everything from Vinegar Creek down to Whitebird and have had good success swinging flies when the fish are in; the latest harvest report from F&G says now is a good time. Use the same philosophy as on the upper river but more weight and slightly bigger bait. Walking speed current will hold fish, and its not always way out in the middle. Don't waste time on snaggy holes cause there are a few but there are lots of great drifts from the bank through that stretch.
Thanks for the great information, I appreciate it. If I make it out I will post a report. Hoping to make it out this week, but if not, at least in the next couple weeks.