Fishing Forum

Full Version: Tenncrapie, Hiwassee River, Crappie, 10/27/14, James
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Called the Judge(retired) rather late sunday evening to see if he wanted to go for a short trip, told him I'd pick him up at6:00am and all I heard was a whimper. The early bird gets the worm I said but he said let's leave at 6:45. We did another mistake like last week. Arrived at our tree of choice to find 2 other boats already there. We stopped and some other blowdowns and fished along Sailfish. Picked up 6 keepers first stop, plus 5 white bass and 6 stripe and 3 blugill. Moved to 4 other locations to find other fisherman already parked.( Was today a holiday or something) Quit at 11:30 with 9 keepers and 21 shorts. Water temps back up to 66. Very little flow. Maybe next time. Color of the day was Bluegrass on a 1/32BG . also on a 1/32 Monkey milk with a tail lite.<br />