It looks like the DWR has changed the Size Limit of largemouth bass at Sand Hollow Reservoir from only 1 over 12 inches to all 6 can be any size. Is this correct ?
2014 Rule
Sand Hollow Reservoir
, Washington
Limit 6 largemouth bass, only 1 may be
over 12 inches.
No limit on smallmouth bass.
Quagga mussels have been detected at
Sand Hollow, so plan on extra time to
have your boat washed before you leave
the reservoir.
2015 Rule
Sand Hollow Reservoir
, Washington
No limit on smallmouth bass. Anglers
must not release any smallmouth bass
they catch. All smallmouth bass must be
immediately killed
Not sure how you came to that conclusion, your copy and paste clearly shows only one can be over 12".
"Limit 6 largemouth bass, only 1 may be
over 12 inches."
Now the smallmouth is another issue with no limit on them it appears.
Look again ! That copy and paste was from the 2014 Fishing Guidebook ! But I also put a copy and paste from the draft of the 2015 Utah Fishing Guidebook !
The 2015 Guidebook does not list any size restrictions !
It was an unintentional omission. The only rule change at Sand Hollow this year was to change the no limit to a catch and kill for smallmouth.
Thanks for catching it.
Paul Birdsey
Coldwater Sportfish Coordinator
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Sand Hollow is actually on page 36 twice. The second one is out of order, but has the same rule as 2014.
Oops, my bad[blush]. Good thing Amy posted it here before it became permanent.
I did not see that it was listed twice sorry, but it was messed up !
Thanks very much, Beautiful-Fish and T2EK. We've corrected the listing for Sand Hollow and removed the duplicate entry. We really appreciate your sharp eyes and feedback!
Amy Canning
Communications Specialist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
why would they do that,,, read the post makes no sense???
Let me explain ! Any time the RULES FOR SPECIFIC WATERS say nothing about a size or quantity restriction then the rule becomes the general rules listed earlier in the guidebook. Because they listed no size restriction in this paragraph it made it appear as if the limit would be what the general rule is for the whole State of Utah which is 6 Largemouth any size .
Utah Code § 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-20
The rules below take precedence over the general rules listed earlier in this guidebook. The
seasons, limits and other restrictions in this section apply only to the waters listed below.
General rules apply to all of the waters
listed in this section.
So when I started this POST it appeared to me they had changed the rule at Sand Hollow Reservoir because they did not list a size restriction for Sand hollow in the rules for specific waters. That is before T2EK pointed out that Sand Hollow is actually listed twice.