If anyone needs an early ice fishing fix I believe Henry's has safe ice . It capped over 3 days ago and the temp has been below zero the last 72 hours . 2 nights ago it was -15 and last night it was -13 . I am going to fish it next Tue

ay . If you have a season license heres a good chance to use it before the end of the year .
Thanks for the heads up. Let us know how you do.
I have read a lot about Henry's over the years, so my wife and I took a trip up 3 years ago. We had a good time and enjoyed ourselves, but were really disappointed in the size of the fish. None were as big as what we get from Strawberry. For an early winter break and a fun place to go, we had a great time. For big fish, we found it a long way to go for average fish. We spent 3 days there and fished a variety of places. Anyone else had similar experiences or was it just a bad year for big fish?
Yes. I have definitely caught bigger fish at Strawberry over the last 4 years. But the Brookie tug is worth it.
The average size has been down for several years . I have property up there with a camper on it , and stay as long as I can . When Henry's closes I move over to Island Park . If it is too windy at Henry's , I move over to Island Park res . And fish . I posted that Henry's is froze so if anyone has an itch for early ice fishing can use this years license .
And keep a limit![cool]
But Henrys has much better Yellowstone Cutts plus a chance at a large hybrid. Sizes are down due to overstocking, but at least you have a chance at some real fish.....brook trout!!! Strawberry's only worthy fish are the 'bows. (sorry Joni [

Hopefully the bigger hybrids will make a comeback, with Damon coming back in charge and starting to maintain Henrys as a trophy lake instead of a "put and take" fishery. Hopefully a slot limit will ensue as well as the two fish limit.
Only one fish over 20" and one under!
Henry's has fallen off of my list of got to fish ponds for several years because of what has been mentioned, but I'm in hopes it will return to its glory before long. Although I love ice fishing, I think the longer season and other management decisions has really hurt fish quality so I'm not wasting the cash for the trip anymore. I do disagree with everyone's dislike of the Cutts though. I think they are beautiful fish and a blast to catch. Those Cutts we used to get at Henry's were incredible fish and it was a trip worth the investment. Hope to see that again. J
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[size 3]I had notheard that Damon was coming back. Large fish have definitely gone downhill sinceice fishing was introduced.[/size]
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I understand someone with a name of brookieguy being less than satisfied with just "rainbow". [

I am the first to admit Henry's Brooks are a Freight Train. I am one of the few to have landed a yard of cutt from there and many over 30".
But it has been awhile. I have full faith it will be back and I am also feeling the the Ice Fishing will not ever be removed so, live with it. I also have several friends that live up there and for those that think there "isn't" heavy ice fishing, you have been told tales. It has looked like a city on several occasions.
But, I will still put Strawberry way up there as it does deliver and the Koke scene was crazy good this year. Plenty of yard long cutts coming from there.
If someone could prove that ice fishing is the main problem with the drawdown of large fish then I would be all for closing it on Nov. 31 again. In fact, why not Nov. 15th?
I just feel other issues are what caused the size decrease. I do think 1 fish over 20" and 1 under instead of 2 fish of any size would help. That would put half the big fish back. I know survival rates on ice and other factors come into play, but I still think this would instill a "trophy mentality" back into Henrys.
There are to many fish in the lake and not enough food . That is why FG said keep a limit and I agree . I think if we want a slot it should be 1 over 20 and one under or 2 under 20 .
I don't think "ice fishing" is so much the culprit, but rather the preparation for it. They planted for it then opened a waterway that had unexpected large numbers as well. Although Henry;s is rich in food, that can only go so far .
I have said it before, it "use" to be a Technical lake. Fragile and at times very difficult. It closed the end of October and was a class of fishing equal to Pyramid.. Keep in mind many times you would spend all day to a zero catch. But when you did, it was a fight.
With Island Park so close, I fought to keep Henry's special and no ice fishing. I also wanted it artificial and barbless. It was an incredible blue ribbon fishery.
Slot limits are a good step, however, that will not stop the poaching. I also feel the poaching is more a problem on ice, but this is my feeling. I will also add, this is one example of a lake that should NOT be publicly blasted on the net (like on a Utah board). But I can't stop that either. Have at it keep in mind, public changed this lake, not the DWR. They just supplied the demand.
Have you ever fished Island Park Resivior ? There are more fish caught on opening weekend at Henry's than the entire year at Island Park . The parking lots at Henry's are full all summer . Your lucky to see 6 trucks and trailers in any parking lot around Island Park Resivor . You keep comparing apples to oranges .
Curt, I have. I am born raised Idaho. I have been fishing Henry's for close to 20 years. I said because of the exposure it has changed, how is that not true. The more popular it got, the more people want to change it. How is that not true.
Opener is crowded, as with any body of water that has an opener. But again to tell me there is no ice fishing pressure, I respectfully disagree. I know better. In search of that yard of cutt or that 20+ inch Brookie.
Island Park is huge so I imaging a full parking lot is rare, but it use to get a lot more traffic, before the craze for Henry's.
I say, give Island park the attention and publicity Henry's gets and that would indeed change. What about that slab you caught out if I.P.? You come close to that at Henry's?
That is Idaho, so by all means, lets go north.[

I respect you and your opinions , but the truth is anyone can catch fish at Henry's . At Island Park very few people catch fish . Maybe because it is so big there are to many places for the fish to hide . The reason people fish Henry's is it is easier to catch fish and the chance for a big fish is greater .
Utah folks need to fish exclusively at Henry's and chesterfield. Us Idahoans are quite fine with the dreges of the rest if the state.
Blackfoot res was pretty awesome til the Feds pelicans found it.
No big fish at Henerys...I will take it any day over Strawberry!
Very nice, way to jump in Mattdaddy. There are those 26"ers still at Henry's (and Strawberry[

Except Strawberry cutts don't have 'bow bred in them to give 'em power like those Henry's Hybrids!
![[Image: happy.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/happy.gif)