Hey everyone,
Does anyone of my BF brothers have access to exact stocking updates, or does anyone have a source that's same day or soon after?
Their phone line is really generic recordings. They stated that they would stock the "week of the 3rd", so I went to Sunset Monday-Wednesday and Floyd Lamb Thursday.
Turns out they stocked Friday. So yeah, I know, don't expect much at urban ponds. But if anyone has access to better info that would be awesome. Because if you don't get to the ponds within three days of stocking, even at Floyd Lamb, most of the trout are gone. Particularly at ponds that don't have Lamb's entry fee or distance.
from what I know they usually stock on Thursdays.I think it was different last time because of the fishing derby.The Las Vegas fishing club on Facebook usually has the most up-to-date stocking information.
what are you using? I was still catching trout at Floyd lamb last week Thursday and Friday
I used:
-Powerbait (hopefully not illegal)
-Trout Marshmallow
-Reg Marshmallow
-Nightcrawlers with marshmellows
-Sweet corn
-Artificial Salmon eggs
No one in the vicinity (20 other fisherman) were catching anything either.
I dont't like bait fishing. all of mine were taken on a fly and bubble or a rooster tail. from what I've heard they should start again this week
I will bubble+fly this week. I'm kind of a novice so I've never tried it before.
There were others trying it and none were successful. I really think it was mostly dry by the time I got there. Every three feet of the primary pond there was a line in.
best of luck to you.I usually fish Floyd lamb Thursday and Friday but Cold Creek is a good option to
I may see you Friday then!
This is my first year in Vegas for trout season, I hear that they stock every two weeks, which means there should be a stocking late this week, is that assumption right?
from what I've heard yes
I've fished there 5 times since the first stocking using all sorts of lures and haven't caught one trout. I've seen others catching them, usually on some sort of bait. I must have some sort of trout curse.
Floyd lambs a tough place to fish. I put in a lot of hours before i even caught my first fish there. persistence pays off though. I've caught bass in all 4 ponds but a lot of days go home skunked. It still a nice place to hang out, catching fish is just a bonus.
I had sunset park dialed in a few years ago.
People would be catching nothing, and I would go slay them.
It was a simple rig, but the trout couldn't stay off it.
All I used was an olive colored Wooley Bugger with a split shot crimped on about 2 feet up the line from the fly.
A light spinning rig with 4 pound test would cast the rig well, depending on what size split shot you use.
The retrieve was fast and erratic. I would constantly reel while constantly popping the rod tip to make the fly dart around on the retrieve. It appeals to the reaction bite when they may not be in a feeding mood, so I could catch fish all day, not just in the early morning hours.
Give it a try. Nothing is fool-proof in fishing, but it's a good start.
[inline Bugger526.jpg]
[quote etrout72]Floyd lambs a tough place to fish. I put in a lot of hours before i even caught my first fish there. persistence pays off though. I've caught bass in all 4 ponds but a lot of days go home skunked. It still a nice place to hang out, catching fish is just a bonus.[/quote]
Yeah I slayed the bass this summer. Up until a few weeks ago when they just shut off like a light. Seems like they shut off when the temps went below low 90 degrees, which isn't normal for bass in most places. So not sure what causes that. Just figured the trout would be easier...nope!
[quote TheWhizzle]I had sunset park dialed in a few years ago.
People would be catching nothing, and I would go slay them.
It was a simple rig, but the trout couldn't stay off it.
All I used was an olive colored Wooley Bugger with a split shot crimped on about 2 feet up the line from the fly.
A light spinning rig with 4 pound test would cast the rig well, depending on what size split shot you use.
The retrieve was fast and erratic. I would constantly reel while constantly popping the rod tip to make the fly dart around on the retrieve. It appeals to the reaction bite when they may not be in a feeding mood, so I could catch fish all day, not just in the early morning hours.
Give it a try. Nothing is fool-proof in fishing, but it's a good start.
Thanks for that suggestion. Will try. I tried a black woolly with a split with no luck, but that olive seems like a better deal. Have to go pick one up.
Veterans park in Boulder City is a good Trout spot. Try Berkeley power worms in the small size. Thread them on and put a split shot weight up about 18". Cast out and reel in slow.
Power worms are possibly the most productive trout lures that don't tie onto fly line. I used to lives next to sunset for a couple years, and it became my number one spot in the winter--there was a dedicated crew of about 15 guys who were at the pond everyday during stocking season, and everyone used power worms.
To anyone curious, use a mosquito hook and 1 to 2 small split shots up about 2 feet from the hook (depending on how far you want to throw) . Cast out, and jig the hell out the worm--the power worm looks beautiful on the retrieve.
That's how I fish for trout and panfish except I use a Berkeley honey worm (it looks like mealworm). This technique has been the most productive one that I have used at the urban ponds. I used a number 12 salmon egg hook and just hook it through the middle. And I add a couple of split shot sinkers too and jig the heck out of it. They usually hit it on the initial drop.