Tazasorus please enter your fish in this thread.
Good luck!
Made it to Henry's today. Let's get on the board! The pictures aren't the best, I will work on that.
Nice job! Looks like fun!
I think the first one might be the one to go with. I can see a solid 20 inches in that one. I think the second one might be bigger, but the way the angle is, it looks like the tail stops at the 2 inch mark in the picture, so I can't tell for sure how to judge that one.
Caught another one at Henry's, maybe this one will improve my score by .5, who knows. Anyway caught off a leech.
Looks like 20.5 to me!
Fished my brains out the last day at Henry's trying to catch a decent Brook trout. Landed 35 fish and only this tiny little brook. Poor thing, I was jigging with a big ole number two hook with three inch leech and it went all the way through his snout and out his eye. Still scratching my head how it got that big thing in his mouth.
It's way bigger than anything I caught at Henry's this year if it makes you feel better!
Looks like it's just shy of 11.5 so it'll have to be 11.
Dinner and a suckface! I mean a show. Caught these on a slush bug on the snake. I tossed back a little 12 inch rainbow before I realized what I did, oh well there is always another day. Good looking brownie though.
Nice brown. The sucker will add nicely to your score as well.
Nice! You guys are making a game out of it! I'll put up a new score card this weekend when I have time.
Looks like 10.5 for the sucker and a good solid 20 for the brown.
Added to my non game fish a little bit, here is another one.
Where was it caught and what was it caught on . Congratulations , you are doing very well . Looks like this is going to be a 3 man race .
Sorry Guys. It was caught on a slush bug down on the snake river.
13 for el chubbo.
Every upgrade helps!
Have another fish to post. Fished Magic today. Caught this one a slush bug. The surface was a slushy mess so I waited to measure at the house. Fighting for every inch with these guys. Also showed a picture of our haul all together to show that we were on the ice.
Wow nice mess of fish .
Looks like 20 to me. Nice work! Thanks for including both pictures.
Baby koks. Caught at Mackay off of pink slush bugs.
Looks like just shy of 9.5 so It'll be 9.
I bet they still taste good!
I'll put up another scorecard tonight or tomorrow sometime.
Made some progress today. The rainbow I caught at Chesterfield off of a white paddlebug. The perch was caught at Montepelier off of a slush bug.