Fishing Forum

Full Version: toddmcc78, CFF Classic chickamauga, any, 11-15-14, matt
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Well we had a plan going in but the fish weren't cooperating with it. We started off fishing in the boat slips cause we had caught some good fish there during the last tourney but we couldn't get them to bite. Decided to make a run to soddy creek, the bottom fell out while on the way there. Fished around in there for a couple of hours. We tried throwing everything we had in the boat. It just wasn't meant to be sunday. Matt had several bites but could never hook up. I didn't even have a bite. So we zeroed Sunday and only had 1 fish saturday. Rough day but Matt and I just started fishing so we still have a lot to learn. We are getting better tho. Look out next See you all next year.