Fishing Forum

Full Version: rsimms, I Love "GreedY" Winter Cats, Blue Catfish, Nov. 22, 2014, Doug Ringer
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Doug Ringer's wife bought him a fishing trip. But we had a tough time making it happen... we had to postpone twice due to foul weather conditions. I was really worried about a "winter cat trip." You just never know if it's going to be an "On" day, or an "Off" day. Thank goodness, it was "On like Donkey Kong!" emoBigSmile <br /><br />We fished the Sequoyah community hole(s), surrounded by the constant "Booms" from duck hunters emoEnforce. I was wishing I was in a blind with them at first, until the first cat hit anyway.<br /><br />We started at the intake and caught a few, including a 27. <br /><br />About 9 or 9:30 we moved down to EricM territory. It took me a few minutes to figure out the pattern (yes, sometimes you do need to "pattern" catfish). Once I did, it got serious. We were capturing one or two quality fish on virtually every drift. The final, and biggest, fish was an obvious glutton. It didn't fight worth a flip, and as we got it to the boat we saw why. It had a HUGE fish lodged in its throat (see photo below). When the fish ate it, it was probably about a 2.5 or 3 lb. bass. Based on ;level of digestion, it had clearly been lodged in the cat's throat a long time. I'd say a week or so. Yet the glutton STILL wanted to eat our cut bait offering. We pulled the lodged fish out of his throat before release. (see photo).<br /><br />On scales the fish weighed 27, but that was after we pulled the bass out of it's throat so I'm calling it a 30. emoRolleyes <br /><br />Doug decided he wanted to quit on an upnote, so we left after that fish and "left 'em bitin'." Love me some cold weather cats! emoThumbsup <br />