Fishing Forum

Full Version: cuonthelake, Chickamauga, Crappie, 11/26/14
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Ya just can't beat the "peace" and "catch" crappie fishing does for ya, during the beginning of the holiday season.<br /> <br />Water temps @ 53 an glass surface water in the creek along with the gulls going crazy, made for a perfect day to be out away from the crowds.<br /><br />Location was everything today, or was it presentation, perhaps it was finding the right BG color, or just a combination of all that, but once I got it all figured out, and put that plan into action I was able to boat 29 keepers and over 50 total fish in a few hrs. Quite a few with Thick shoulders, big bellies, maybe they where already started their thanksgiving feast of minnows. <br /><br />Blow downs where key target with bites on the end of the tree tops I found most crappie suspended at about 6-8 fow. Water is down low, very low so navigation was slow an careful, plus alot of those blow downs go out far an if you decide to scan them first you could be asking for trouble if you swing in too close.<br /><br />Happy Thanksgiving I'm grateful for this wonderful fishing community. emoBigSmile