Fishing Forum

Full Version: cptenn94, Hiwassee River, Trout, 11/25
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This is my second time ever fishing for trout. The first time was last saturday, in which I only had about 3 hours to fish, and it was also on the hiwassee. Unfortunately I had to leave just as the bite was getting good that day. Both trips were with ultra light spinning rods.<br /><br />So this trip I did the hour drive to reliance, and managed to be able to fish from about 1pm to 6pm. As I arrived, It occurred to me that I had forgotten something important. My fishing license. So I then stopped at reliance fly and tackle to get a day license. During my previous trip, I had a ranger ask to see my license(which I had brought that time)<br /><br />After I purchased the license, I returned to the spot on shore at big bend where at the previous trip I saw fish actively feeding within cast range downstream, and I got some hard strikes. The first cast I did in the water I managed to get a hookup. However during the fight the fish got loose.(it was a fun fight though). However after that it seemed all activity stopped. I hardly got any bites the next 5 hours no matter what I tossed out there.(now there could have been plenty of bites, but with the sun glare, it made it impossible to see the strike indicator well. <br /><br />The neat thing was there were plenty of little fingerlings that would try to chase and eat my lures(primarily spinners such as panther martins etc) but it would be far too big. And I got to see them actively eat some little bugs, just 3 ft away from me. I tried to toss them a mini fly but I could never manage a hookup.<br /><br />Anyways about 1 hour before sundown came, I finally managed to get a other hookup. After a minute of fighting I finally managed to catch a trout. My FIRST trout. It was here that I learned just how slippery trout are to hold, especially when they have plenty of fight left in the tank. Needless to say after the fish escaped my grasp several times before I could get a picture, I went over to the wading entrance area and got it nice and clean.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Then after taking some pictures, I let the fish have some time to rest and revive(it was still plenty active) before watching it swim away. I tried the spot again but didnt have any more bites. On my way back with only about 45 minutes of daylight left I stopped at reliance fly and tackle again, this time to purchase some worms to try to catch some trout to take home below the delayed harvest area and had a nice conversation with the people in there. Then I stopped at the picnic tables, and tried to catch some fish there. But then daylight ran out on me, and I did not have a flashlight or my lighted bobber on me, so I decided to head home.<br /><br />All and all, even though I had very limited success, and plenty of discouragement to work through, It was a fun trip and worth the effort. I look forward to applying what I have learned through experiance, and through knowledge I have read. Now its time for me to decide whether I am going to get wading shoes, and make some waders, or if I am going to get some waders, and not wading shoes.(in the end I plan to have both. However I have a limited budget, and just getting one for now is my only option.)