12-04-2014, 10:00 AM
Ricky Cowan&#39;s wife bought him a fishing trip for his birthday. They just moved to Tennessee from Texas. Ricky brought along his brother-in-law Carson, from Chattanooga.<br /><br />Mother Nature threw us a very cold curveball Friday AM, so we declared a &quot;delayed start&quot; at 8:30. Just like the week before, it was kind of a slow start, but the Sequoyah cats finally fired up. We fished about seven hours, and hit two apparent really good feeding periods. Things would be slow, and then &quot;Boom!,&quot; the cats would come alive. <br /><br />The biggest fish we caught was a 25-pounder, but we estimated that we easily caught 200 lbs. of cats. Ricky and Carson took 50 or 60 lbs. home to filet.<br /><br />I love springtime catfishing, but if the bite stays like it&#39;s been the last two weekends, I might have to rethink that? emoBig
<br /><br />It was a pleasure talking with Drumking and FishingMachine. It was especially fun watching my guys catch two healthy cats while we were chatting. Life is good and gettin&#39; better every day.<br />