12-14-2014, 10:00 AM
So once again I managed to have a day off where I could make another trip to the hiwassee river. This time I was well armed with some new panter martins and other spinners, and more knowledge about the area. (I had only been to the hiwassee 2 times before for fishing).<br /><br />This time I managed to get there earlier, so I was able to work my plan of trying to catch a trout in gee creek. I parked at the gee creek trailhead, and went down the trail no 191.(the one that goes along gee creek and ends at the water fall) I spent a couple hours trying to catch something, with no success. The few fish (approximately 3 fish) I saw scattered before I could try to present something to them, and most of my casts were just to try to perhaps hook a fish that I could not see. Ultimately though I had zero success at even getting a bite. It was encouraging though to at least see some fish after several hours of not even seeing a thing.<br /><br />All in all the hike was really nice, and the scenery and gee creek were beautiful. Next time I will have to take a larger assortment of single hook lures(which I do not have that many of) to try to catch something.(as that section of gee creek falls into wilderness regulations)<br /><br /><br />Next after the failed attempt to catch some wild/migratory trout in gee creek, I moved on to the river. I started at gee creek campground boat ramp and tried to use some of the worms I had. However after about 20 minutes of nothing I decided to try some of the new panther martins I bought. I tried a couple patterns and got no obvious bites. Then I tried this red salamander pattern, and WHAM I got a trout on the line. A minute later I had a nice 12&quot;? feisty trout in my hands to put in the cooler for dinner. Obviously he objected. After putting him on ice, I went back to try to catch another one. I had one trout that I saw chasing my lure on retrieve, but shortly afterwards I hooked my lure on the ramp. After several attempts to try to get it free, my line snapped and I lost the lure.After trying a few other lures with no success I decided to work my way upstream.<br /><br />So then I drove up along spring creek rd? Until I found a spot on the side of the road with a pathway to the water. Here there was a small brook that fed into the river. Eventually I managed to add a new trout to the cooler on a hot orange panther martin. After trying again for a little while longer, I managed to not get anymore fish so I moved on upstream once more.<br /><br />I found a new spot and fished a run? and managed to catch a 3rd trout here on either a silver plated panther, or the same hot orange panther. He joined his comrades in the cooler. After that I walked further upstream along a little trail and tried fishing the tail end of a nice big pool. I managed to get a bite, but never a hookup. At some point my line decided to make a birds nest, and so it took a few minutes to cut the line and retie my flouro leader back on. By this time the sun was setting, there sky was misting and the air getting quite chilly with the breeze. I tried to make a few more casts but then I had my lure get tangled in my line on my rod. At that point I called it a day.<br /><br />Then I drove along spring creek road to eventually go home(I went the long way up and around the mountains and then to the bridge, rather than the short way back to the highway).<br /><br /><br />The weather was over cast all day, and I managed to see all 10% chance of rain that there was for the day(luckily it was just light rain) when I was at the gee creek ramp. The trouts put on a spectacular fight. I can really see now why people will spend so much time and money pursueing them.<br /><br />With this trip now I have caught a lifetime total of 4 trout. I fished exclusively with my ugly stick UL rod, and I tried a variety of spinners, but seemed to have the most luck with panther martins. It was a good trip, and I look forward to getting waders in the future so I can begin to really begin to open my fishing capabilities(as currently I am limited to the shore). With waders I will be able to reach new places, and new angles to fish.<br /><br />Next time I go there I will catch my limit. Finally I look forward to when they finally stock lake junior. I will have a good chance to begin practice catching trout on the fly without having to spend 15 dollars in gas, and 2 hours on the road.(round trip)