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Full Version: Henry's Fork Belwo Chester HUGE BOW!!
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That bow is a slob for sure! I live that section of river I have caught some big browns there.
Outstanding fish!
OINK!! Fine lookin' male 'bow for sures.
Yeah, that bow ranks as one of my personal best, it fought like crazy and got me into my backing on the first initial run. I couldn't believe the huge shoulder it had. It took a size 10 tungsten PT. I'm not great at guessing weight but I think it was maybe in the 7-8 pound range. I need to get back up there as the fly fishing was really good in that channel.
Great Fish! Thanks for making envious.
That's not a HF fish. You got that on a private pond! HF fish don't have that much marking.
Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.

[inline 185260-pirates-of-the-caribbean-captain-jack-sparrow.jpg]
Not sure how you draw your conclusion?
I agree, there are no HF like that.[Wink][Wink][Wink] If there were no one that fishes and respects the HF would be crazy enough to Hot Spot like that. So yes, for nice fish, fish private ponds.[pirate]
[quote Loufly]I agree, there are no HF like that.[Wink][Wink][Wink] If there were no one that fishes and respects the HF would be crazy enough to Hot Spot like that. So yes, for nice fish, fish private ponds.[pirate][/quote]

Really? you know where you are right? [laugh] But, it's okay, it's called helping. They both do start with an "H" so easy to get Confused.
What's confusing to me is the fact that any time any one posts anything they have to defend what they post. Yes, I am very aware of where I am. I know where I fish too. I have every right to give my opinion the "HELP" that I find irresponsible just like you have some 18000 times. This person just told numerous people that are too lazy to put the work in themselves where they could possibly trudge through redds and disturb spawning fish. I was trying to be light hearted about it, but I find myself having to be a jerk about it. And besides, how many times have there been those conversations here about saying too much? Just because its not one of your "No-Tellum Creeks" or ways of helping doesn't mean I need to be hushed. I like nothing more than to teach others and learn from far more. BigFishTackle is a great place to do that, but the experience is ruined every time a know-it-all picks and chooses when something is okay or not. If you had actually read what I said you would know that I was defending that great fish and its location to a lurker that finally decided to add their two bits. Read between the lines next time before you pass judgement because we all live in glass houses with gravel floors.
We really do need a sarcasm font on here.

I believe both of you were on the same track.
[signature] I really thought you knew I was joking Lou. My mistake. I am so done.
For you to just blatantly jump on and try to smash the guy on the forum is wrong in my opinion. I wish there was a cure for internet trolls. Sadly we all have to put up with them until a moderator thinks the person has violated the rules enough to intervene.

I've caught some pretty spotted up bows on the Henry's fork. Especially males. Let's keep it civil guys.
I apologize FG. No excuse for bad attitude. I will not try and justify what I said or how I said it. I truly got into defensive mode and have turned everything sour. Please accept my apology FG, Sparrow, and everyone else for my lack of class.

Sparrow, that is a great fish and I hope you will further entertain us all with your reports.

Loulfly it takes a good man to admit that he was wrong and issue an appology like that. Good on you buddy.
That is a dandy for sure, but as you can see thousands of people member and not alike view these on a regular. A good spot can and will be destroyed by the "weekend" "fair weather" anglers quick.. I have witnessed it first hand with a spot I used to frequent and made the mistake of sharing just a little to much info. I'm not trying to bad mouth or discourage you in any way, I'm just saying be careful. What may seem like a not very secret spot could turn into a battle fisheries ..
Good to see you have lost your phone. Spelling looks good.

ice on

