Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Chickamauga, Mixed, 12/16/14, Dr Phillip Gawthrop
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Dr Phil and I had a workday and short fishing trip this AM. We now have 3 more hotels that are open for business for crappie and bass. I trust that it will be mostly crappie and not the trashy green fish that stay overnight with us. emoBigSmile On the very short fishing that we did, we had a mixed bag. Phil caught a little Smallmouth bass. I used one of my numerous skills to tail hook a black crappie keeper. Then I caught an eating sized Spotted Bass. Finished up our short fishing foray with a 7 lb 14 oz Drum. Just had to catch one of my pets. It was much fun on 4 lb test line and a Panfish Dapper. <br /><br />I forgot to write down the co-ordinates for the hotel. We just left the light on and calling the first one, Motel 6. emoBigSmile emoGeezer