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Alright if we get some safe ice this next week anyone willing to meet up? I'm up in Cache Valley so i fish mainly Hyrum and Mantua. I'm willing to go to Pineview or Lost if I have someone to meet there. The wife doesnt like me going alone early in the season. I've got the whole next week off work so drop me a PM and I'd be more than happy to join anyone and I'd be grateful for the invite.
I seen ice forming on Cutler yesterday, last time it froze this year, Mantua was only a couple days behind... If Mantua tacks over safe, I'm into a trip... I think that will be the first to freeze out of the ponds you mentioned... I'm from Cache Valley as well... I'll keep in touch if it gets ready to go... Do you have your wax worms ready to go? I don't, guess I'll have to get some... Hope it doesn't warm up too much today to melt everything again... Once it freezes we will need about 3 days to get semi-safe ice, but I'm such a chicken I need 4" before I dare go far out on the pond... Later J
If I ever go to mantua or pineview your more then willing to go with me but I don't get up there to often for sure I will be slapping at rockport a lot this year.
[quote SkunkedAgain]. Once it freezes we will need about 3 days to get semi-safe ice, but I'm such a chicken I need 4" before I dare go far out on the pond... Later J[/quote]

I'm hoping this weekend puts some nice ice down. I'm with you though I like at least 4" and seeing some other people out. I'll stay in touch and we can get together when it's ready. I'm hopeful it will be ready mid week but the weekend should be good to go (fingers crossed).
For sure looks like Tuesday and Wednesday will be a nice freezing day
Been wondering about wearing skis to spread my weight a little more but would hate to be on thin enough ice that I had to take that kind of measures. Think I'll wait the extra day to be safe. They say Mantua capped yesterday, it would be nice to have a check hole dug today to see if it's in line for thick enough by this weekend, but I expect we'll be lucky if we can play by New Years day. Wonder how the snow will effect things? Hope it won't insulate it too much so it slows the freeze rate. Guess we'll see. Later J
[quote SkunkedAgain] They say Mantua capped yesterday, it would be nice to have a check hole dug today to see if it's in line for thick enough by this weekend, but I expect we'll be lucky if we can play by New Years day. Wonder how the snow will effect things? Hope it won't insulate it too much so it slows the freeze rate. Guess we'll see. Later J[/quote]

I drove by this morning for 'work' and there are a lot of open patches today mostly on the west side. I'm sure this warm weather today and snow will set us back. The majority of the south side looked frozen.

I also went by Hyrum on my way back to work. No ice.
[quote SkunkedAgain]Been wondering about wearing skis to spread my weight a little more.....[/quote]
I would highly recommend you do not do that! Having gone in once with ski boots on, I can attest that they are not good for swimming in! Adding skis to that equation and I think its suicidal.

Get yourself a nice long rope with a strong guy on the other end and some hand picks and you'll be much better off.
Although that sounds like a lot of fun and all. I think I'll just wait for 4" of ice and hope I don't find a thin spot. J
Yup Mantua isn't gaining much ice, it looks sketchy. Think I'll stick to Hyrum and the toon if I get time to go in the next few days. Thanks for the info. Later J
Yep still too early
I've used snow shoes to stay on top of the crust and out of the slush later in the year and that worked nicely, but the big thing about ice is that it never freezes uniformly even if it's an average of 4 inches there may be spots below 3 inches thick or full of air bubbles that weaken the ice. The best bet is to always play it safe and to take tye dye's advice with rope a buddy, and ice picks. Your life is always worth a little extra hassle.
I prefer to go one further and that is to stay off it a couple days longer and make sure it's plenty thick. The twins are young and skinny, I'm old and fat I can wait until it's more safe. I have done the thin ice before and watched my Dad fall through a spot that had held us the day before and it had been way below zero between the two trips, however the current from below degraded the ice over night. We were lucky and it was only waist deep and he got out immediately but it still ruined the goose hunt. Anyway long story to say I agree with your caution recommendation. I just prefer to not try to push it and hope my equipment will save me. It's good to have the gear in case, but I don't want to use that kind of gear, I want it as an insurance policy. Hey I hope you're having a Merry Christmas today. Safe fishing to you. J
We'll get there someday but till then the soft water is still fun. Merry Christmas. J
Sent you a PM. Count me in, some of my go-to ice guys have moved away, and I too appreciate the buddy system.

Think after this snow passes we're in for a chill-spell, and THAT should be the golden ticket!

Anyone finding waxies in the stores yet? S&E didn't have them after Thanksgiving, and Wally world hasn't stocked 'em yet. Wonder about the Sinclair by Sardine?! I might even just hit Petsmart, or look at an online bulk order. Anyone want in?
Sounds great it's looking like we will have a decent cold spell. I'll keep checking the ice conditions. As far as waxies go I thought I saw some at sportsmans earlier in the month. I could be wrong though. I'll let Ya know when I think im ready for an ice test!