Hey Hodg,<br> <br>What did you catch? I am hoping that you caught that elusive 24.5# rainbow. Let me know if they are still biting over there.<br><br>See ya.<br><br>Milo
Hey Milo,<br>We had a good morning, Big George limited before lunch he had 1 small rainbow 2 nice sized rainbows, and 2 smaller ?? (maybe German Browns).<br><br>I didn't fair as well but landed 1 nice rainbow and 1 smaller ?? (maybe German Brown). <br><br>Two notes of caution: First I was fishing 1 rod on straight 2# test and 1with 4#, Geoerge was fishing straight 2# on both rods, the only bite on the rod I had with 4# was a Sunfish. It appears that 2# test is a must!! Also we were using bb size wieghts no heavier, and fishing inflated night crawlers.<br><br>The second thing don't break the cardinal rule "LEAVE YOUR CELL PHONE IN THE CAR"! I went 3 for 3 on calling the office, Everytime I was on the phone with Sean, I hooked up, I told him, I wasn't sure if he was good luck or bad, because I hooked and lost 3 fish while on the phone, one nice rainbow was all the way to the net when it broke off. <br><br>The bites came in waves, but patience and persistence is definetly the ticket, we saw people on shore hooking up all day as well (2 really nice fish from the group in front of us). All and All a great time at Irvine Lake, <br><br>Thank You JT!!!!<br><br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF="http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm " target="_new">http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm </A> <br><br>Mike H
Sounds like a good day Miguel. Bottom line.<br><br>2 POUND TEST I<br>NO CELL PHONE!<br><br><br><br>Booyaa To Ya'!<br><A HREF="http://www.fishingclothes.com " target="_new">http://www.fishingclothes.com </A> <br>Romero
Sounds like you guys had a great time George. Thank you very much for the detailed report. I will make sure to study it to be a part of the 10% of anglers who catch all the fish. <br><br><br><br><br><br>Booyaa To Ya'!<br><A HREF="http://www.booyaaclothing.com" target="_new">http://www.booyaaclothing.com</A> <br>Romero