Professional Fish Finder Underwater Fishing Video Camera 7" Color LCD HD Monitor 600TVL
I want to buy a ice fishing underwater camera but they always a lot of money but I found this one off amazon and it seems to have good reviews but I was wondering if anyone here has this exact one or has ever used it before or if you have any thoughts on the matter.
Thanks everyone!
Got a aqua view view not color I'll sell send me a pm
Looks like a little false advertising going on. I've seen the videos on the second youtube link before. They were shot with GoPro cameras and not the camera they are advertising.
I have a friend who has that model and he hates it. He has been trying to get rid of it since the day he got it.
well I am glad I made this post or I probably would have bought it!
Can you tell me why your friend hates it? I would like to know if it has any good qualities.
I have 140 buck in amazon gift cards and I am just trying to find a good camera for not a lot of money but its just a dream I guess like most things that are to good to be true.
His biggest complaint is the subpar qualiry of the image.
try putting different cameras on A wish list on Amazon and Walmart. you'll get offersr galore. I did that with a hummingbird 700 series fish finder and soon I was receiving offers. They started out at $600 plus ended up getting it for 390 right after Christmas you'll get a lot of offers from other places other than Amazon and Walmart. This works with just about everything you order online.
That is some great information! I will now make the longest wish list in hopes for great deals! Thanks everyone!
Aqua vu 760c worth every penny. 100ft of cord used it at fish lake last year thru the ice, was in 90ft and could see 4-5ft surprisingly there was more light that deep than I would have thought. Fun to watch the lakers swim by and check your jig out.
That is my dream! to go to fish lake and watch and catch lake trout! That camera is sweet but I don't think my wife will let me spend that much on a camera, so if anyone know a trick or 2 to convense a wife into letting you buy a fish camera by all means don't hold back! Lets hear them lol
Put a little money away each check an then tell her it your mad money. Works for me. Also helps to throw a little cash her way too.[
