Has anyone seen Pineview lately? Are we getting close to ice fishing up there yet? It is a couple hours drive for me and my wife has been bugging me to go catch Perch and Crappie for a fish fry.
From what I have heard, safe ice is still a little ways ago. This cold front should help get it on the right track though. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the info![
Past by there today, most the res is capped only little bits of open water near the damn. Should be too much longer.
From what I was told today, it has open water up by dam, and the ice was not thick enough to even put weight on so an inch or less where my brother checked..
I always wait till around Jan 10 for P.V. Don't worry the fish will still be there- Hoping to catch that Big Tiger Musky that spit my hook in October-- See ya'all up there in a couple weeks.
Everything capped but still some near the dam that's open. Picture didn't work.
Nice lookin pic.
Don't mark the inline box unless you finish off the inline process.
How are doing any thickness around marina or off cemetery. anybody fish it lately any size 2 the perch this year
I fished PV several times in the fall. The small crappie were so thick it was difficult to catch perch. Had problems getting through the clouds of small crappie to get to the perch on the bottom.
headed up there sat. and sun. i will report back then
4 to 5 inches all over fishing is good for crappie slow for perch