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Hey Guys, if you don't like paying those steep day pass fee's at the state parks. You might want to purchase yourself an annual state parks pass for around $70. It's good for one year from the purchase date, anyone in the your household can use it, you can stuff up to eight people in your car, and it works at all the state parks. I bought one last year and got well over my money's worth out of it. I had to have gone to Jordanelle at least 20 times, at $9 a pop do the math. I thought someone might find this useful. I think you can purchase them from the DWR building uptown.
Thanks for the new years reminder, if you go out very often they are worth every cent!
I agree whole heartedly, I shelled out plenty last year and will be getting one before too long.
You can also get them from any state park ranger or state park ranger station or manned both!!! They are a great deal, at $9 a pop in the summer time, they pay for themselves quick. I need to get mine soon!!!
I've got until the end of the month to get mine but this will be my forth year of buying a state park pass. After going out fishing over 65 times last year that pass paid for it's self several times. I got the application in the mail last week so I'll be sending it in soon, what a deal. WH2
Can you pick it up any time or do you have to pick it up in January
You can get them anytime now, and the best part that they have been doing in the past few years is they go for a full year from the month you buy it. So if you buy it in June of 2004 it is good till the end of june of 2005
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]In the past, if you got them early in the year, they were about $5 less than regular price. This year it's $70 when ever you buy it ... no discount this year. I get mine from at the federal building at about 1500 west on North Temple north side of the road. I used to pick them up at the Willard Bay DWR office but anymore it's hard to find anyone there. So I just go to SLC.[/size][/font]