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So my daughter loves the idea of fishing everything about it she has been a few times with not alot of success, but its tuff with a 2 year old. When ever I leave she asks if she can go and I breaks my heart. When I get home she is all over the " fisssys" she wants to be involved with every aspect of it. And I feel like I need to do all I can to fuel that fire. I feel like my best bet at making her a lifer at this stage is through the ice ( that's where I seem to be most successful). Problem is I am having a hard time finding a place this year where the action is steady enough to keep a young child interested as well as feel safe I.e good ice condition. I want to get this girl hooked for life. The idea of a life long fishing partner is AWESOME! [Smile] So my question is does anyone have any tips/experience on how I could stoke that fire so to speak and build the interest she already has by making it fun for a young girl?
Fish lake is always hot for perch and scofield is filled with chubs and dinky cutties.
I would suggest pineview for perch and croppie Lost creek for rainbow trout possibly current creek (if your up for a drive) rainbow trout/ tiger trout. At any of these lakes start with a white paddle bug/ meal worm combo. Then adjust from there. Theres also mantua.
Fish lake.

Took my two youngest (8 and 3) yesterday. My three year old loved it. Of course, he has been a fishing fanatic most of his life. Keep in mind you will really have to have a tent to keep the little bodies out of the wind or they will be miserable.

The three year old ended up with two doubles of perch.
I agree with keeping them warm and occupied. I have a 4 yr old the same way but she gets cold fast so I try to keep a warm tent,hot cocoa, snacks of all kinds and a little Disney Pandora keeps her entertained when the action is slower. Also be prepared with extra clothes in case a foot goes in a hole which happened to my 8 yrold yesterday. And if the fishing is slow I like to be by a snowy hill or bank so we can do a little sledding.
My daughter was the exact same way. From the age of 3-12, she would come often and endure some bitterly cold days too. As long as she had a sled and when possible a friend or cousin or 2, she was fine. I spent 50-50 of my time entertaining her and fishing. At Hyrum, she could usually see some fishing action perch and trout not be surprised if she wakes up one day and has zero interest. Prob more so with girls, but suddenly ice fishing became boring and cold...she is now 14 and will only come under special circumstances (but at least she will) GONE are the days when it was automatic. I got a fishing hut this year, and she just told me yesterday, "hey dad, that would be cool to ice fish in. If you have that I'll go!" Made me Smile wide!!!! They will come to cross road where other things become more fun and important to exposing them to the experience is what matters. Some will love it forever, others will move on.
With that age try out a community pond first. It is nice to have them go but when they get bored or cold then it is nice to have the house close by. Takes care of the little ones nicely.