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East Cape - Getting spanked
After a week straight of strong winds and rough seas Mother Nature has put three gorgeous days together. Kite-boarders have been sitting on the beach but now the forecast is that they will be back at it again tomorrow.

While the water and air temperature has cooled the fishing is starting to heat up. There has been a steady sierra mackerel bite near the La Ribera marina entrance and just a little further off shore huachinango and yellowtail are starting to bite. Getting good bait has been the biggest problem for the yellows and snapper. Commercial pangas have been able to get small amounts of squid to float under lights at night and the mini 2 to 3 inch squid have been the ticket for success.

The Buena Vista shore is packed with sardines and pelicans are gorging on them along with sierra mackerel and roosterfish. One morning while walking the beach I watched a couple of roosters corralling and pushing sardines to the beach. It was not the time to be caught with just a coffee cup in my hand but I could have scooped sardines.

All of this is very encouraging and I'm confident that when the greenback mackerel and sardinetta show it is going to be game on. I'm not big on predictions but believe coming off of an El Niño year and with current conditions this will be a spring season to remember.

Recently I have heard reports of Mexican customs levying outlandish fines to visitors arriving at SJD. It has all been related to tobacco and wine. Guests have felt ripped off so I decided to look into the situation and found that one of our local news papers had done an investigation. Below I have quoted part of what they had to say:

We did look into it when the first person complained. David examined his receipt and talked to the guy. Turns out the airport officials did everything by the book, including collecting the money properly and turning it over to the feds.
There is nothing we can do about the locals enforcing the law and giving the money to the proper authorities.
The reason the penalties are so high is Mexico is trying to protect their own tobacco industry and protect their hard currency. This is the same reason Mexico’s laws about importing cars are so harsh. They are trying to protect their auto industry and their hard currency. No country wants a trade imbalance or to lose their currency’s value. Also, just as in the States, Mexico taxes cigs here really high. They lose a lot of tax revenue if people bring in their own tobacco.

This is normal. The people you talk to are not being ripped off.

Everybody knows ignorance of the law is no excuse. To avoid a bitter taste and bad experience upon arrival why are airlines and our local resorts not educating our visitors? The law is very clear and most people will comply if made aware. As example when entering the country a person is allowed one carton of cigarettes. The fine for bringing over the limit is 573% of value or $254USD for a second carton. Unknowledgeable visitors are getting spanked.

It is my belief everybody in the travel business has a duty to make travelers aware. On the "Travel Tips" page of our web site we have posted a link to the Mexican customs laws in English that is very clear. We encourage all guests to visit this page before traveling to avoid the spanking.

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Pelicans on the feed

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This could be you! The best boats and accommodations are starting to get booked up. Now is the time to book your next visit to the East Cape.

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841