fished rockcliff area south side from 1130-130 PM in 15' of water caught 13 trout all bows to 14 1/2 " and 19 perch to 8 1/2 " nothing big but a good day of catching
Man sounds like you had a good day, were you near shore, or more out in the middle????

]how thick was the ice? How was it getting on the ice? Pretty solid at the shore?
[size 2]Monday, the thickness was 8-4 inches going from the road extending west towards the the highway.[/size]
Welcome schmidty , Did you fish Pineview in the slush with me on January 2 2004 . I was the one with the boots full of water . LOL
Sounds like you had a good day on the ice Chris, wish I could fish on the weekdays.
Sounds like a great day on the hard water,Lots of sun.How far were you from the open water?
i saw no open water today ice cap over the whole lake ! the whole arm of rock cliff appers to have been frozen for a while as there was snow on the ice almost to the dam clear ice from the dam to north