Fishing Forum

Full Version: Any suggestions for this weekend?
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I've been out of the fishing game for the past few months (almost a year) and have lost touch with all of my old fishing knowledge.

My girlfriend wants me to take her fishing (rare, I know; and yes, she's a keeper) this weekend. So I'm turning to you for recommendations.

Here's the particulars:
I have enough fishing equipment to catch anything from minnows to medium sized sharks.
My tackle box is practically still fully stocked.
We'll be shore fishing because I lack a boat.
My truck has 4X4

So this is the big question:
For Saturday, January 17th; should we go urban pond fishing for trout or lake fishing for striper?

If the ponds are the way to go: Which one?
If the lake is the way to go: What location?

Any advice helps. Thank you in advance. [fishon]
If you elect to hit a pond for trout we used to prefer either boulder pond or cold creek. Floyd lamb isnt bad, tends to have more fish in it but also a lot more people around. Make sure to run light gear, 4lb test or leader. Basic trout stuff will catch fish. Id check the NDOW site and see how often they have been stocking trout though. I may be mistaken but the Mason Valley hatchery may be supplying trout now and i think that caused a slow down in stocking, could be wrong though.

For mead, your best bet may be near the wash or as far up as box car cove. Decent amount of people fishing those areas from shore. Not sure of the success rate though. Talking to some guys at hole 33 this last weekend said they average about 3-4 fish a day on a good day. Only problem in the wash is there is an abundance of bait fish so if your not fishing with live bait you may struggle to get the fish to bite.
Unless the ndow site hasn't been updated, the last time they stocked any of the urban ponds was 11/30. With all the giant birds there bombing the trout everyday, i doubt there are any left...
I just called the NDOW stocking number and the message said the last urban pond trout stocking was 15 December with early January being the next.