01-13-2015, 10:00 AM
Got to the ramp around 11 and was surprised to see the water up. Haven't fished since New Years eve so haven't paid it much attention. I pulled up the TVA data and saw its been steady around 680' for a couple days. Is that typical when we have a large power demand? Anyways, air temp was 35 when I put in. Water was stained and 42. A dependable dock only yielded one speck, an 11". Ran to a couple docks that were in about 15' a few weeks ago but now were in about 20'. The 10 inchers really wanted to play today, I bet I tossed 20 of them back. Amongst all the short and barely legal fish I filled a limit of 11-12" by 3:00. It had warmed up to a toasty 42 degrees at that point. Electric chicken was all I threw on a 1/48 oz jig.