Fishing Forum

Full Version: First Sturgeon of The Year! 2015 Sturgeon
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Hello! I've recently uploaded a brand new fishing video! this would make it the first one of the year! I am planning on doing some more fishing video later this spring when the trout season starts, I've been in the process of re-branding the channel for the past 2 months, I am still working on it but i can't change the URL to the new name without the help of you guys Smile I hope you all will enjoy this video, if you like it please share it and subscribe if you'd like for more videos coming up soon!
You every catch any big ones? Always wanted to try down river.
We cought a huge 400LB sturgeon last year but we had to let it go Sadly, In the spot we were at there were lot's of shakers, We were in the cascade locks area.
We can't even take any size out of the water in Idaho.
Really? How are you supposed to measure the fish? that's gotta suck... I love going fishing out in the ocean for some flounders, they're good eatin'
They farm raise them here, I had some at a cafe and didn't catch a wild one for six months. Lol