okay, I'''''''''''m not exactly sure how this page all works yet so bear with me. I live in Utah be fishing mostly trout not really sure as I usually fish rivers and streams. This will be completely new to me.
you may want to concider moving over to a lake for the winter. lakes are tricky enough to figure out saftey wise. rivers can be tretchous and unpredictable in the winter months. holes can ope up under the snow and ice with out notice.
if you are targeting trout, might I sugest large shiners, (minnows) set him up on a tipup and drop him down to the bottom of the lake with a sinker a foot or more up the line from your bait. when your sinker hits bottom pull it back up about the lenth of your leader + 6 to 12 inches more to keep your minnow from laying on the bottom of the lake.
I dont know how many lines you are allowed there, here where I am we are allowed two line. I use a tip up and a hand rod. except when fishing for crappie, I will use two hand rods.
if you are allowed two rods, make your second rod a semi stiff rod, not to stiff because you will want a little play in the fight. you dont want to horce the fish in and kill some thing you dont have any plans on keeping, (under sized and unwanted species) if you pull them up to fast you can kill the fish. If it is two soft of a rod it wont hold up to large fish like lake trout.
with the hand rod, tie on a swedish pimple on to about a 8-12 pound test line. cut a dead minnow in half and tip the pimple with the minnow tail. drop the top part of the dead minnow in the hole.
start by dropping your pimple all the way to the bottom of the lake and start jigging, work it of the bottom and slowly work your way up, coming up a little at a time.
this is just two of many ways to target hard water trout.
hi terri welcome to the site why not drop in on the utah board you will find all the info you will ever need as far as where when and how might even make a new buddy or two
hey aquaman how bout if you send some of your buddies up the the general ice fishing board, ya never know, ya just migth find a new fishing buddie....[sly]
I don't know how to get to the Utah thread I'm amazed I got this far.
Hi there flyprincess, Welcome to BigFishTackle message boards. I see your having trouble navigating and I will give you a quick ling to help you get to the Utah board.
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?forum=58;"]Utah discussion board[/url]
I hope this helps you and maybe I'll see you on the board over there. Happy Fishing.
are you polanning on fishing alone, or do you have a companion in mind?
dose your companion have ice fishing skills? A tent or shanty?
what are your hopes to acomplish?
stick with us, we will make you an expert of hard water trout fishing.
I'm going up with some girls from the fly shop on sat provided my back becomes a little younger by Sat.
here are a couple things to get you looking you know what your are doing.
in the pic below are some dead minnow set ups and a tip up
you will be targeting lake trout from 40 - 50 feet all the way down to 100 - 120 feet.
if you have a fish finder that will be a good aid in helping you locat them. one you locate them it is just a matter of working them.
on my next post I will show you some live minow hood ups
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=2231;]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=2231;)
here is a jigging stick
a couple live minnow hookups for your tip up
on the jigging stick you will see that there is a holographic sweadish pimple tied on the line. about a foot aboge the pimple (or any other jig you would like to use, including the fire balls used on live minows) you need to tie on a barrol swivel this will reduce line twist from jiging.
line twist can become a problem especialy on spinning reels should you decide to go that route.
on this hook up I use the lower half of a dead minnow dropping it all the way down to the bottom of the lake and start working my way back up to the top.
you can use just a spool of line, I sugest you go with what the pro's use because it will allow you go get back to the bottom faster, the stick is easer to hold on to than just a spool.
with your gloves on you will pull the line up hand to hand. taking the top hand to pull up the line and the bottom hand to hold on to the line. this way if you get a big one you can let it run and you wont get line burns or line cuts in your hand. this is where the light gloves come in handy.
this lure can be used on a spinning reel and a short ice fishing rod of medium to heavey action.
I use a spinning rod myself, but for some one who is only going out one time, or wants to learn about the sport prior to investing any money into it, this is the way to go.
dead head hook
live lip hook
live tail hook
your tackle box can be your trout box converted (emptied and replace with ice fishing lures)
4-5 different styles of jigs from pimples to jig heads and there are hundreds to chose form.
you can even tie your own jig heads the same as you would a fly. I havent as yet, but I do have buddies who do. you can buy them already pre teid as well.
in your box you will want a hook hone, pair of small siciors, split shot of various sizes, barol swivels, swivel snaps, vary small bobbers, spare hooks. and on your person you will want a pair of hemostats cliped to you much the same as flyfishing.
the thing I like most about ice fishing is that I spend as much time making my own ice fishing stuff and most fly fisherman spend tieing flies.
you will get out of this sport what you put in to it. but just like fly fishing you need to concentrate your efforts in the right areas.
with the information I have provided you thus far you can get in to lakers, trout, stripers, walleye and bass.
the smaller pan fish are a riot, and by far the taistier. like the perch gills crappie.
boy that tip ups some different htan i,ve ever seen dave. nice one though. don,t think i,ve even seen em up here yet. real expensive??? still gothe red flag like gramp had though huh? hah you been lately?? what,d ya vatch?? have fun later[

I have had mine now for about 15 years, I paid 20-25 bucks for it then, the pice has come way down on them. I think any where from 8-12 bucks now.
I cant testify that they are the best cause I havent tried all the rest yet. I can say it has been dependable all these years with no matinance other than changing the braid once in a while. (I think I changed once in the last 10 years.
you should put on new brade every year just to be safe. but I bring mine in side the house so it stays dry when not in use.
as to how I have been, you remember the movie grumpy old men? well I make those guys look like prince charming and sir Galihad.
remember the sayin too darlin, hha it,s not me, it,s the world that wrong?? well that,s US! and this craps suppose to last another week! makes me ask myself if i want to go coyote huntin even though we got the clothes fer it. don,t feel like catchin phuemonia either. been lucky so fer. ya know! and i like grumpier ol men. haha liked em both. haha they were a good pair. i can see you and lonehuter. haha especially when he lost his boat in the drink.:lake}haha that,s terrible. that would be me too.my luck. this weathers gittin to ya ain,t it?? me too. 17 below this mornin with wind chill of 34. up to island pond and that area it was 27 below with windchill 44. terrible spell. made me act like the wicked ol witch from the wizard of oz. haha just ask jack he,ll tell ya. hha full moon too. so dont fergit hta. i don,t know bout you, but the full moon, has always got me goin haha. i,m a bunch of nerves, anxiety, and watn to howl! haha those were my partyin days. haha i,m surprized they came down on the price, generally otherway round. especially when it works so well. the new ones made cheaper, another brand than yours or what. somethin seems funny bout that. maybe they can sell em cheper. i do like quality, lasts longer. least it better. i git alot of my stuff yard sales thrift stores anyways fer a couple bucks. some of the old hunter ain,t huntin no more, i git it fer hardly nothin. they know i like it e sit around nd bull bout huntin and fishin and they like that anyways, me to. and it gives them some old time memories, and someone to listen to em. and i learn alot from em. we have fun. i miss my gramp, wish i,d had him alot longer. than 15. he and al were the only ones that ever took me. and i was glad to have em. later. have fun. take care goin out on that ice now. ok. mare[



