Fishing Forum

Full Version: mjc1761, Guntersville Lake, Bass, 1-20-15
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This Guntersville Lake Big Bass report is from yesterday. I had a client come down to do some fishing and get a break from "cabin fever", and a fantastic break he got! The big fish are still doing what they are suppose to do this time of year, feed and feed aggressively. The pattern is still hanging in and probably will for the next couple of months, and thats fishing grass lines in 8-10 ft. of water with 3/4-1 oz. Rat-L-Traps. We were also able to catch some good numbers on A-rigs in some of the same areas, but the bigger fish were on the Big Traps. The water is down and still falling and the fish have really moved out on these deeper grass lines and this makes up for more fish concentrating in fewer areas. The Rat-L-Trap tournament is approaching soon (Feb.8), and with the new format of launching your boat at any ramp should draw a great number of boats this year. I look forward to seeing you there for a great day of catching some "Guntersville Hawgs". Have fun, Mike Carter