on the road again up the disco with shunked. See ya all up there
Have fun up there. Should be a nice day.
Those cisco might be the only fish I'd be able to fight with my recovering wrists.
Let me know how it goes. I can't make it up there until next weekend (12/31). I hope the run is still on.
Not bad lil bit of Cisco a lot of two legged critters and one big cut
I was right there in the same area as you. Rough day. With all the people, Waves coming in on us, made for a rough day. I managed a couple. Nice cutt. Shoot for next weekend.
Skunked again and myself We ended the day at Hyrum ice fishing catching a crap ton of perch all about the size of my big toe
I never do very well when it's wavy I just can't see the fish, but it's still a fun trip. Should of put up my flag so I could have known when I met some BFTers. Hope you had fun!! Later J
Good times always , yea, the waves made it really tough for sure. Oh well,
When we went past first point it was glass calm, but at Cisco it was sure different. Still had fun though. Later J
So did that Cutt just jump in your net chasing Cisco?
Or were you pitching a jig? Saw a few fellers casting through the crowds.
I hooked it on the Kastmaster with a tale of Cisco for bait
What Greg said except he used a tail not a story about a Cisco. I cast a few times too, but only found snags. Think Greg said the fish had 3 whole ciscos in its belly. Tis the season for hungry Cutts. Later J
Finally I facetimed Jeff to see why my fillets never look good. But I think I mastered it
Did you eat it today? My TD chowder turned out great, but I needed more fish in it. It turned out to be bacon chowder and that's not a bad thing. Later J