Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Nasty green fish, 1/25/15, alone
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After seeing the results of the Heartland on the Nick it inspired me to go try some bass fishing on the Chick. I often struggle this time of year but felt I would give the crappie a break and give it a shot. Got there and launched at 9:00. Fished for six hours up till 3:00. Did someone say the wind was going to blow today! Good Lord that wind was howling this afternoon. emoCrazy Did end up with a pretty good afternoon trip, at least for me it was a good one for this time of year.<br /><br />Boated seven bass, lost four others getting them in and missed another six bites. One of the ones I lost was pulling drag pretty good and you could tell it had some weight. The others I lost I am not sure about size. Had some very nice ones that did make it into the boat. Best one today was 6 pounds and 12 ozes. emoThumbsup The three baits I did catch fish on today was a jerk, a trap and a jig. Tried the ol'shakey but only had one pick it up and that is one I missed. Today they were just not eating it well. Even the ones I caught seemed not to be hooked all that well. I fished from a couple feet to about 20 foot. The shallowest bass I boated came from about 3 foot and the deepest was only about 10 foot. Seemed to be shallow for the most part. Water temp was 45 to 48 in the areas I fished.<br /><br />Here are a couple of the better ones. See you all out there. emoToast Jmax