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Full Version: 200lb fish lake sucker
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Has this joke been played on you?
To get the full effects of the video you need to put on the head phones so you can hear the beginning comments from Russ in the tent. He really thought he had that fish of a lifetime. The youtube link audio is not at good as the original.

This was on Friday before the crowds showed up. We caught about 150 between the 3 of us. Mostly spake and rainbow along with some perch and Browns.
I love it. Thanks for posting.
WOW This made my day!!

I did catch a sucker during the tournament and it wrapped around my sons line and did a similar thing.
[Image: happy.gif]Loved it!
Great stuff! I love it!!!
"He's down there a country mile!" LOL
YEP! Had a similar joke played on me when my buddy decided to hook a couple of huge triangle weights to my line... I know how that gentleman felt. Sounds like he had a much more socially acceptable response than I did when I was the victim.

What's life without a little good humor though, eh?