Here are a couple photos of the reservoir on 1-27-15. There is an open water area in the middle. I don't know the ice depth but the ice surface is covered with some water.
Boy that looks slick and thin. Has anyone been up there catching Kokes?
Thanks for the post, think I'm good waiting for more cold. Later J
Gorgeous pictures!!!! The reflection of the mountains on the ice is awesome!!!
I'm with the rest, looks a little thin!!!
Thanks for the post, I was really hoping to do some icefishing there this winter, we haven't fished it for several years do to the small size of the kokes. It may not get enough safe ice this season. [:/]
8 plus inches at the spot you and I fished years ago as of this last Sat the 24th. Not one school of kokes came by. We gave it 5 hours or so and bailed. That pic above was taken a few days later, so I can only guess the warm weather is causing it to look like that but I assure you the ice is safe, wish I could say the koke catching was good but that was not the case on the day we were there[

Thanks for the update Curt, you didn't have any problem getting on? Maybe I can make a trip up there yet.
No problem getting on or off but that was last week, if it rained up there instead of snowed that could be a different matter now but the night time temps we really cold at the time and it was making ice. The ice won't go bad anytime soon but the edges might be another matter, if it rained up there.
It was raining hard clear to the top of Sardine this morning so I'm sure it was rain on the pig... Mantua was looking pretty soggy tonight also, so I bet the lakes will be awfully slick now... I expect that water on top should freeze at night as soon as it gets back to cold nights...
What's the story on Willard? I see it still has ice except the marina.. I expect it's probably really rotten though... Did anyone ever catch anything through the ice there this winter?
Anyway maybe the first weekend in February will be a good one to chase kokes at the pig... I'm thinking of going that Saturday and hoping for a lucky day... Sure hard to figure out where they are going to swim by, but if you find the right spot you can have some fun... Thanks for all the info... J
Thanks for the info on the rain up your way, like you said, if the night time temps stay cold the ice will be ok for a while yet but if it remains warm for too long it will be bad news for the ice.
I've heard a few reports about Willard, most of them are not good but a couple sound ok. I won't be going out there again, unless things change. Last year at this time we had some great trips out there ice fishing but this is a different year[:/].
Very different year that's for sure. Thanks Curt.