Considering going to Huntington, Cleveland and/or Electric Lake this Saturday. I'm not concerned about whether or not there is enough ice, but I would appreciate knowing how much snow there is up there and also if there is any slush.
I was up there on the 18th. There was a 3-4 inches of snow but the slush was pretty bad. Had snowmobiles and it was pretty hairy a couple of times . Besides that the fishing was horrible. My son and I didnt get a bite all day.
If it starts snowing up there hope you got 4 wheel drive and chains because it was pretty sketchy when I went last month to Huntinton with my friend up there.
We were up to Cleveland a couple weeks ago. On the ice there was only about 3 inches of snow, and the slush was frozen so it wasn't bad at all. Getting back up the hill from the lake was hard if you got off the trails where people have been going down, you'd sink down over a foot. But there has been more people than usual going down this winter and keeping some decent trails packed. Fishing wasn't too bad, we got quite a few fat 15 to 16" rainbow using tiger colored jigs and half a night crawler. Don't know how much snow recent storms may have dropped by now though.
We were just up there yesterday. the slush monster is out in a HUGE way on both Cleveland and Electric. you can see where someone was riding a snowmobile on Electric and how much water that they were pushing with there machine, crazy. Went on to Cleveland and the snow on top of it, about 9 inches, is covering what can only be described as a shallow swimming pool. the funny part is you drill, break through about 2 inches down and then 4 inches of water and hit more ice and drill more.
We ended up on Huntington, fishing was best there anyway.
Thank you for the replies. Decided to head to Fish Lake. Have room for one more if someone would like to join us. Leaving SLC area around 5:00 AM and we will get home when we get home.